chapter 16

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February 2nd, 2015

Seungcheol can't believe it's already been as long as it has since he's met all of his pack. It's wonderful to have seen them all mature and reach adulthood (slowly at least, Seungcheol won't call them adults yet).

Their maknae still hasn't presented yet, somehow. He's turning 16 in just a few days, and considering 18 is usually the maximum time for presentation to start, they won't worry.

Especially when Chan doesn't seem worried himself, after all they're all too focused on training towards their debut.

He can't wait for their debut.

Right.. Their debut.

It snaps Seungcheol back into where he was at the moment, sitting in that large U shaped table waiting for the CEO to enter the room. The pack is sitting in age order, completely silent aside from the shuffling of papers of staff around them while things are getting ready.

What exactly are they about to hear?...

Finally the dreaded CEO enters the room, sitting at the head chair. Immediately the pack get up from the chairs to bow at him. It's humiliating in a way to be expected to show respect to the man that cannot give them an ounce.

"You boys have been trainees for years now. Although some only have half a year.." The CEO makes a not so subtle glance at Minghao, almost as if it were a jab.

Minghao stares at his lap, Seungcheol makes note to check up on him after this.

"Starting the new year you boys will be preparing for your debut." The man looks at the pack, all 13 of the boys sitting shocked in their chairs. No one moves a muscle, in this reality if they make even one wrong move - who knows what the man would say.

"Well? Aren't you all happy?"

It cut the tension in the air, as the pack all breathed a sigh of relief and just smiled at each other, some of the pairs high fiving (barely even a high-five, more of a low tap.)

Seungcheol however, leans over his chair to stare at both of his omegas next to himself, heart thudding against his chest - whether it's from just looking at his (hopefully soon-to-be) mates, or the adrenaline from learning they're going to debut somewhat soon-ish.

The omega's had been staring at each other, Jisoo on the ladder end seeing Seungcheol staring at him; he taps Jeonghan's arm and grins at their packmate, Jeonghan following suit.

If it were up to them, there would be a lot of hugging going on right now. But the CEO can't find out that their relationships are anything more than friends, and omega / alpha interactions are just 'so scandalous' (the CEO might have a heart attack over the alpha / alpha relations).

Once the pack settles down, the CEO at the head of the table continues. "This won't be easy. But I trust you all to be able to work through it together. On one condition."

Just like before, the tension flowed into the room. \

"Scent blockers must be worn at all times. I understand that you boys may think you can handle it, but scents are strong attractors - I cannot have any pregnancies in a group of this value. This rule is effective immediately."

The boys didn't seem too keen on this idea - but assuming their manager will be up their ass more and more, they'll have to follow this rule no matter what.

"Another thing, heat and rut suppressants will begin as soon as possible. Alpha's will immediately begin them, and Omega's begin them once they're no longer developed. That way we can keep the ideal androgynous look of all pack members."

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