Chapter 8

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April 14th, 2014

"What? No! Hyung that doesn't make sense- I-I can't.." Seokmin panicked, tears gathering in his eyes.

"Pup, smell yourself. You're presenting as an alpha." Seungcheol broke the news once more to Seokmin.

The day was normal, of course, that was until during practice an alpha-staff member hit on Soonyoung.

Almost instantly, the scent of an alpha's rut collided with everybodies noses. Which is where they are now, a panicked Seokmin being reassured by Seungcheol.

"I can't- I don't want to be!" Seokmin despairs, clinging to the pack alpha for comfort.

Seungcheol wraps his arms around him, "I'm sorry, pup. But you're presenting right now and you need to get home."

Seokmin cries into his shoulder, obviously distressed by the situation with no avail to comfort him.

As Seungcheol arrives home with the new baby alpha, he takes him to the heat room. The pup sobs the entire way, it is absolutely heartbreaking.

Before Seungcheol locks him in the room, Seokmin stops him and asks, "Hy-Hyung.." he begins, "Do.. Do you know where the knotting toy is?.. If- If the omegas would be okay with me using it."

Seungcheol knows Seokmin isn't dumb, it's very obvious that the omegas have some sort of toy to get themselves through their heats. But an alpha asking for one of them during rut is certainly new.

Seungcheol pauses in the door way, his brain empty for a moment before he quickly snapped out of it, "Uh- Uh yeah. It's in one of those silk bags in the nightstand. It's clean. The bedsheets here are clean too."

Seokmin nods, sadly walking away from the door. Before shutting the door finally, Seungcheol tells him, "After this, please talk to me, okay? About why you're so upset about this."

Seokmin nods once more, and with that Seungcheol closes the door. He volunteered to stay home while the pup figures out his presentation. It's nothing he hasn't smelled nor heard before.

He'll definitely ask Jeonghan and Jisoo about what to say to Seokmin later.

April 16th, 2014

"I can't believe I only have two un-presented pups left!" Jeonghan whines as he hugs Chan close to himself, suffocating the pup with his embrace.

"What will you do when I finally present?" Chan mumbles.

"Probably cry."

Chan laughs, scenting Jeonghan and relaxing. Jeonghan pets the pup, "You're already growing up.. You've gotten so big.."

Chan hums, eyes closed as he sits in absolute heaven.

"My baby. I'll be so sad when you present. I won't have my baby chanie anymore, I'll have a hormonal baby pup."

Chan snickers at this, "You know that eventually goes away.."

Jeonghan hums, pressing a kiss to Chan's forehead where they lay on the living room couch.

Because their cuddle sessions somehow always end short, Seungcheol came into the living room, "Hey, Jeonghan-ah. Can I talk to you about something?"

"Yes, you can." Jeonghan mumbles, half ignoring him.

"Without the pup?" Seungcheol grumbles, laughing in disbelief at how Jeonghan didn't take the hint.

Chan sighs, being the somehow more mature of the two and getting up himself, wandering into one of the dorm bedrooms.

Woah, he's gorgeous!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora