Chapter 12

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The wedding ceremony concluded swiftly, and I'm not even certain it qualified as a real wedding. It was held in a modest church in Ladare. Only a single priest, his right-hand man Harrion, and a handful of maids bore witness to the ceremony. Given my humble origins, the King himself provided the dowry for the ceremony.

In Ladare tradition, it's customary for the groom to present a dowry or gift to his bride. This could be money, livestock, or valuable items. Just like what the cold King bestowed upon me.

The King gifted me a gold necklace, featuring a long chain and a tear-shaped jade pendant as the centerpiece.

The ceremony was exceedingly simple, but I didn't mind. I anticipated it would be so, given his character. Besides, our wedding was merely a facade, a means to our individual ends. Plans for things we aspired to achieve and accomplish together.

As he stated, we were merely exploiting each other.

I wasn't taken aback when night fell. Here we were again in our temporary abode, preparing for the morrow. We needed to depart as the King's mission in Ladare had been accomplished.

To find a suitable woman—be she of humble origins or noble birth—to be his wife for the sake of his reputation and his beloved Empire.

It was Harrion who informed me about the journey tomorrow. The haughty King didn't even bother to inform me, he simply retreated to his room.

I sighed and almost hugged myself in sheer revulsion. Everything is falling apart, I won't accord respect to a King like him. Never.

"It's unfortunate, Your Majesty..." Dera sneered, while assisting me with my belongings.

There weren't many. The King had supposedly provided them for me. Dera was the one carrying the new and luxurious clothes into the room. Since I had nothing, I only brought a dagger and myself before the King discovered me.

I frowned as I looked at Dera.

"Your Majesty?" I queried, puzzled.

Dera nodded. "Yes, my Queen. That's what you will be addressed as from now on because you are the wife of the King."

I recoiled at the words I heard. Wife? I felt nauseous. I was repulsed, but I had to endure it. Especially that title. I'm sure Dera won't be the only one addressing me as such. I need to brace myself if that's the case.

"I still prefer to be addressed as Miss. Besides, I don't think I can bear being called that."

"Pardon? But..." Dera faltered.

"Even you, Dera, can simply address me as 'Miss'," I suggested. "Why not just use my name?"

Her lips parted slightly and she quickly bowed her head.

"It's an honour to be in your presence! But to address you by your first name is—" she faltered, appearing flustered.

"In that case, just call me 'Miss'. I'm more comfortable with that," I smiled. "Is that acceptable? After all, I don't come from a noble lineage to warrant such excessive respect."

I didn't want Dera to feel awkward around me due to my current status. I wanted to build a rapport with her and others like me who hail from a lower class. I breathed a sigh of relief when she nodded, although a hint of uncertainty still lingered on her face.

"Let's get back on track. Why are you feeling down?" I inquired.

She paused to reflect. Her gentle face turned towards me, but she seemed troubled.

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