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~ Hidden Cell, Conformatorium - 5 years ago ~

Hunter POV:

"Anyway, clones? That's what you think we are?" I glare at Tom and show him the book.

Tom grabs the book and skims through the pages. I watch him as he searches through the pages until he flips to a certain page. It's a page that shows the completion process.

He points at the eyes.

"Ever wondered why our eyes are so different than normal?" Tom says.

"I guess." I shrug.

"We look the same! You're me and I'm you!" Tom says pointing at himself and then me.

"I know that." I blush angrily.

"Look, I need you to keep this a secret between me and you, okay? If you tell anyone it could get us in trouble." Tom says.

"I know." I say.

"How did you even... figure this out?" I ask and sit down on the other side of the cell.

"It was before he disposed of me here, he told me "I'll just make a new grimwalker." And he threw me in here. I had some suspicions to what it meant and then... now I meet you, and my suspicions are true." Tom says.

"You're his new one." Tom says.

"Why did... why did he even put you here?" I ask.

"I don't... even know... I thought I was doing fine... I um.. I did everything I was told to, and then I mess up on one mission and he's just had enough. Said I wasn't getting any progress done." Tom frowns.

"He's... always been rough with me, but I didn't think he'd ever just coop me up in a cell for... Titan knows how long." Tom rubs his arm.

"Just tossed me aside like I'm nothing. I... don't even know how long I'm gonna stay here." Tom says nervously.

I go a little quiet and hug my legs as I sit across from him. I don't know what to do to help him.

"What if I broke you out?" I ask.

"No." He says.

My eyes widen and I give him a look of confusion. Why wouldn't he want to be saved?

"What do you mean?" I say.

"If I'm broken out, that would risk you getting in trouble, you're 12, you're too young to be getting into trouble." Tom says.

"13." I fold my arms.

"Yeah yeah, same thing." Tom waves his hand.

"And if you were to set me free anyway I wouldn't have anywhere to go. I don't know anybody, anyone..." Tom scratches his head.

"And the bounty on me would be pretty high as well, I'd live in fear of being caught." He shrugs.

"But... what happens when Uncle wants to get rid of you?" I ask.

Tom frowns a little and shrugs.

"I'll... have to prepare for my death.... I guess." He shrugs.

I frown a little too and rub my arm anxiously. I don't know what I'm supposed to do to help him. Despite me not knowing him for that long, I trust him, and I don't want anything bad to happen to him.

"How often does Uncle see you?" I ask.

"Once every... 2 weeks I take it. He sends me food through this little drop box. It's shit food though." He says.

"That smoothie you gave me the other day was good, you said you were gonna get me something else but you got smoothies to impress a girl or something?" Tom smirks.

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