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~ Bonesburrow Park - 5 years ago ~

Your POV:

"Steve got accepted into the emperors coven last week." You say

It's a cloudy day and you're both gently rocking back and forth on the swings at the park, talking with one another. This is your 4th week together. Last week you both were spending together just at the library. It was spent by Hunter showing you some of his favorite history books.

"Oh? And does he like it?" Hunter asks.

"Well he hasn't started yet, he's still working on getting his sigil, and he needs to fill out paperwork..." you sigh.

You go a little quiet and Hunter looks at you and tilts his head to the side. You notice he's looking at you and you perk your head up.

"What?" You ask.

"What's wrong? You don't seem excited." Hunter asks.

"Well I am! But... I mean I'm kinda bummed too, I mean I know he really wanted this but... I don't know... I mean i know when he's beginning he will still be staying with us but after some months they'll be setting up a room for him to stay full time in the scout dormitories I feel a bit sad he's not gonna be staying with us as much anymore?" You smile.

Hunter feels his heart shrivel up and he looks down and his face goes pale.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." You smile.

Hunter starts sweating and nods nervously.

"Uh huh..." he smiles awkwardly.

"Does your brother have a job?" You ask.

"Uh- actually- that stuff about me having a brother- I lied- I don't have a brother- I was- I lied- um yeah-" Hunter says nervously.

"I kind of had a feeling, you were describing him really weirdly." You say.

"Heheh." Hunter laughs awkwardly.

"...Steve he's wanted to be in the emperors coven for so long, ever since he was a kid! It was all he talked about!" You slightly change the subject

"What about you what do you wanna be when you grow up?" You ask Hunter.

"...I'm.. uh..." Hunter scratches his cheek.

"I know what I wanna be do you wanna know what I wanna be?" You ask.

Hunter sighs relieved you changed the subject over to you.

"I wanna be a healer! The best healer in the isles! Helping people is always nice." You grin.

"Do you know any healing spells?" Hunter raises an eyebrow.

"Yes! I do! Do you have any cuts or bruises?" You grin and hop off your swing and stand behind him.

"No." Hunter says.

"Oh. Nevermind." You say and hold your hands behind your back awkwardly.

Hunter chuckles a little.

"What do you wanna do today? I'm bored." You say and put your hands on both of his shoulders and rock him side to side.

Hunters cheeks flush a pink color and he turns his head to look over at you.

"Um... Im not sure.." he mutters.

"We.... could...." You mumble playfully swaying him side to side.

"Buy candy?" You ask clutching his shoulders

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