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*this is a half past/half present chapter, but today I will be doing present first and then past*

~Healing Wing - Present time ~

"Heheheh..! So..! And then what?" You laugh.

"Obviously I never came back." River smiles.

"What a weird club. Your school really had that?" You laugh.

"Oh yes, the lunch food club, it was so strange. We would analyze all the food we got it was kind of weird. And of course the club president was odd about me since I was the only one who didn't enjoy the food." He laughs.

"Why is there even a club for that?" You ask.

"They think the food is good and it should get the appreciation it rightfully deserves. But the food honestly was in the trash bins most of the time, nobody except them liked it." He says.

"Why did you even join?"

"Curiousity honestly. I wanted to know what the heck it was." He smiles.

"Interesting." You smile.

Viney comes in after she finishes with her patient and leans on the front desk.

"You guys have been very chatty lately." She says.

River blushes and looks away, you roll your eyes at her.

"No it's good. You guys seem happy." She grins.

"So you guys are dating right? When's your guys's next date?" She asks.

"Viney..!" You blush and exclaim.

"Um- actually... I was gonna ask later if she'd like to go to the museum today with me." River smiles and looks at me.

"A museum?" You ask turning to look at him.

"Yeah! I think the museums here are actually pretty nice. It's just the one here in bonesburrow. We could... walk around the exhibits and talk... or something..." He blushes.

"Yeah! Once we're off." You smile.

"Okay!" He grins.

"Cute. Cute, lookit you with your first boyfriend." Viney smirks.

"OH- no no no- we're- we're not- uh-" you blush and mess up on your words.

"Um.." you stutter not sure what to say.

"I think she means to say we don't want to put a label yet... we're just seeing eachother." River smiles softly.

"Y-yes- yeah, thank you." You laugh.

"Cute. Well, I'm clocking out, see you guys." Viney grins.

"Bye!" You and River both say.


You and River were walking around the museum discussing the topics around you, and talking about other things. It's been interesting, you've been walking for a while now.

He decided to hold your hand while you were walking around the museum. You let him take it, you honestly didn't really mind.

It honestly didn't really feel as special as you'd hoped though. Just felt like holding someone's hand.

The museum had some art and some other historical artifacts and things about the isles. It was cool to look at.

"And what do you think is cool about the isles?" He asks.

"Well... we used to not have covens, that's pretty interesting. And then Belos just says that the Titan changed his mind and wants us to all have sigils." You shrug.

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