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You open the doors to the healing wing. Rivers at the front desk and sees you both coming in. Goldie has his good arm over your shoulder and you're letting him use you as a support to walk.

River stares at you both absolutely bewildered at what he's looking at. Seeing you in full armor and him wounded. The look on his face is indescribable.

"W-what the hell." He says.

"Too much to explain, I'll tell you later." You say and drag mister golden guard to your office.

Goldie shakily holds up his wounded arm and makes a finger gun at River as he's continuing to be dragged off.

River glares at him.

You open your door and help him sit down against the patients chair and you go over to your things.

"Im gonna need you to roll your sleeve up and take whatever armor you have near your waist off so I can see that too." You say, going through your things.

"Alright boss." He sighs.

"Shut it." You say and grab some more things from little cabinets and drawers.

You hear him rummaging around trying to take his chest piece armor off. You grab some healing glyphs and some potion.

He clanks his chest piece armor onto the ground and sighs, and lifts his shirt from underneath up enough to see the wound on his waist.

"You done?" You say.

"Yes, hurry up this hurts a lot more than it looks." He winces.

"Okay, okay, let me see your arm first." You say and hold out your hand.

He gives you his arm and you take it and examine the wound. The edges of his skin are burnt and he has torn layers of skin. You also notice he has a lot of scars scattered all over his arm.

"Still stinging?" You ask.

"Yes." He scoffs.

"Enough scoffing, drop the attitude, I'm literally helping you." You say and grab some potion.

"Y/n, if you haven't noticed I'm bleeding an awful lot of course I have an attitude." He says.

"Don't call me my name." You say and pour the potion over his wound.

"Ow ow ow!" He winces pulling his arm back.

"Sorry if it stings, this is just getting rid of the bacteria so it won't get an infection." You say.

"Give me your arm back." You say.

He reluctantly gives it to you and you grab it firmly and hold out your hand infront of it. A spell circle shows up in between your hand and the wound and a small light blue ray of light shimmers on the wound.

He watches you heal it, and he goes a bit silent as he watches. The skin layers slowly start healing more faster and the burns are disappearing.

"...you've been.. how long have you been doing this?" He asks, watching his wound slowly close up.

"I've been doing it for about 6 years." You say.

"...mm." He nods.

His wound closes up and you lower your hand. A small scar forms where he was burnt but it's a lot smaller than his other ones. It's barely even noticeable.

"Do you not come in for treatment that often?" You ask and then kneel down and look at the shredded burn wound on his waist.

"What are you talking about?" He says.

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