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~ the Cottage- 4 years ago ~

4 months passed since we got the cottage built. It's much more decorated now and it actually looks really nice and comfortable.

Tom's big for making it look all cute. He seems to really like designing it.

And he's already made his little toad farm outside. It took us forever to find his toad a mate. A whole month all we did was hunt for toads and I was surprised how persistent Tom was about finding it.

But Josephine has tadpoles now. And he's named... a lot of them... I don't know how he keeps track of names when there's so many small tadpoles.

I think he just makes them up for fun honestly. The father has a name, he wanted me to name him since he named Josie.

I'm not good with coming up for names so I just named him Bumpy since he's a really bumpy toad.

It's been kind of crazy. 6 whole months since we left.

And... I knew him for a whole 6 months before we left. So now... I've officially known him for a whole year.

That probably means I'm 15 now. I don't really have an assigned birthday so I'm not sure, that would also make Tom 21.


"Hey Hunter can you come here for a sec?" Tom says from outside.

I was sitting on my bed just messing around with Flapjack. Just alone with my thoughts, and then I get up and walk over to him.

When I go outside he's on the ground making something. I hear scratching noises.

"Yeah?" I ask.

Tom turns around and looks at me and smiles. He's grown his hair out more, and it's finally in that ponytail he wanted.

 He's grown his hair out more, and it's finally in that ponytail he wanted

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"Come here for a second." He gestures to me.

I kneel down next to him to see what he's doing. He's sharpening...a knife?

"Cool right? I was looking around way up north to the island the other day and I actually found some stainless steel." He smiles.

"I think this'll be better for hunting. I made it for us both, but hey, why not give it to you to hold onto since your names Hunter huh?" Tom laughs and hands me the knife.

I roll my eyes but I smile and take it.

"Thanks." I say looking at the knife and studying its angles and features.

"It'll be way less of a struggle killing fish and whatnot to eat." Tom says.

"You're kinda better at hunting than I am anyway." Tom smiles.

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