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You're walking around the castle with Goldie here. You don't know where you're even going, he hasn't described at all what he wants you for.

In fact he's been nothing but quiet so far, and it's really starting to tick you off.

He glances at you and you noticed this from the corner of your eye, but you don't say anything. You both just continue walking.

He comes to these double doors and opens them. When it's opened all the way you see some walls of all these different kinds of armory. You glance at him and he glances at you back.


He walks up to this specific wrack of armor and taps the edge of his mask like he's thinking. You fold your arms and look at him.

He turns to look at you, continuing to tap the rim of his mask. You stand there unsure what he's doing. Is he picking out armor for you?

He walks over to you and looks down at you and taps his foot still thinking.

"Let me see your arm for a second?" He asks.

"Why?" You ask.

"You're gonna need some armor where we're going. So I just want to make sure I can find you some proper armor." He says.

"Where are we going?" You ask.

He laughs a little and folds his arms.

"Ever been to a volcano before?" He smirks under his mask.

Your jaw slightly drops, and as soon as he sees that he laughs softly.

"You're joking." You say.

"I'm not. So I'm trying to find proper armor so you don't get burnt by anything." He says.

"Are you crazy? I thought this was gonna be something simple! You can't just take me to a fucking volcano right off the bat! I thought this was gonna be easy." You say.

"Well miss healer... it's far too late to resign now. Too bad so sad." He smirks.

"...Whats wrong with you?" You glare at him.

"Oh please, just stick with me and you will be fineee!" He laughs.

"Then why do you even need me if we have armor to protect ourselves? And you're talking like you've done this before, so why do you need backup?" You ask.

"There's a village just at the rim of the volcano, it's native to fire imps, we should be fine if we take a back route, but there's sometimes some imps wandering around nearby to collect supplies and whatnot." Goldie explains.

"Okay...?" You say.

"Imps are more stronger when they're around habitats associated with their powers." He says.

"They could melt through our armor and leave serious burns." He says.

"Which is why I need you... to be my lookout for them, and healer if worst case scenario, while I grab some things I need there, so how bout that?." He folds his arms and tilts his head.


"And you need armor, I need to make sure we have the proper armor for you." He interrupts and holds out his hand.

"Arm." He says.

You roll your eyes and give him your arm and he takes its and straightens it out to get a better look at it. He glances at the armor wrack and then back at your arm.

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