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~ Uninhabitable island - 5 years ago. ~

2 months we worked on our home. We chose a nice area with a nearby water source.

There was a river nearby the house and we felt it was in a nice shaded area, away from anything too spacious.

As we built the home, usually at the end of the day we would go back to the ship and sleep. We always talked about facts we liked while we worked on it.

I told him about the history of wild magic.

He told me about his study of animals.

We exchanged fun facts.

And at the end of each day when we would go to bed, and that's when I let my dreams take over me.

They were all about her...

Nighttime made me happy because it felt like I could see her again.

I'd often dream about us just doing more things with each other. Just talking like we used to, doing more stupid activities with each other.

Sometimes I just dreamt of memories we had. Times we shared.

It comforted me, the thought of her. It felt reassuring, and it brought me happiness.

Mornings were the worst because that's when I had to say goodbye. I was not a morning person, I was upset everytime I had to leave her.

But spending the day with Tom got my mind off of it, and we valued each others company.

Now that the home was built we started moving in our beds, our clothes, and anything else needed.

"Oh I can't wait to move Josie in, I built such a nice little outside habitat for her. She can finally play around in the mud...!" Tom grins holding a pile of clothes.

"That's nice." I smile.

"We should find her someone so she won't get lonely, we're still gonna go hunting for toads?" Tom nudges me.

"Yessss we will for toads." I smile but roll my eyes.

"Yes! Perfect! Maybe we can find her a husband..! And they can have little tadpoles..!" Tom exclaims excitedly.

"Ew. Tom." I look at him.

"What..! They would have a family..! She'll be happy!" He grins.

"How many tadpoles can toads even have?" I ask.

"That depends on how healthy she is I guess... she could lay up to 2,000 or 20,000 eggs." Tom says.

"TOM." I glare at him.

He looks over at me.

"WE ARE NOT HAVING 20,000 FROGS." I glare.

"Oh, a lot of them don't survive actually, if she were to lay 20,000... we would probably get 80 that actually make it through the whole growing process." Tom shrugs.


"Hunter calm down! I know that's a lot, and I know as much as I would love to, we can't keep that many. I'd have to set some free." Tom says.

"Yeah. Geez..." I sigh.

"I want to keep like... 10 of them though." He says.

"10??" I look at him concerned again.

"Okay fine, how about 9?"

"5." I say.

"No no no, 9 max." Tom says.

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