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You sit there silently with Steve, River, and Darius.

Steve seems lost in thought about something. River looks like he's trying not to fall asleep. Darius is silent with his arms folded.

Tom and Hunter have been talking in the room to eachother for almost an hour now. Most likely catching up.

It's been quiet while you all have been waiting.

You finally decide to talk.

"Steve, what exactly happened when Tom-"

"WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Steve exclaims.

River jolts slightly from being half asleep to Steve's sudden yelling.

You glance at River.

"...Sorry. I didn't mean to nod off." He mumbles.

"Maybe you should go home and sleep." You say.

"I can't. I need to run the healing wing." He says.

You frown and look back at Steve.

Steve's a little red in the face and he has his fists clenched.

"I was gonna ask what happened when Tom saved you from the whole candle thing. What happened?" You ask.

"Oh." Steve says.

He scratches the back of his head.

"I was setting up the candle and stuff and out of nowhere Kikimora shows up. Just out of absolutely nowhere. She recognizes the candle and what I was doing and she locked me in the throne room with the candle already lit." Steve explains.

"I could have died in there, but Tom happened to be nearby and he saved me before I did." Steve says.

"What about Kiki? You didn't let her get away did you?" You ask.

"Tom used an ice glyph on her, when he called River, Darius happened to be with him so Darius retrieved Kiki's frozen body, and is keeping her frozen underneath a tarp in the janitors closet. For now." Steve says.

"Pfft." You scoff.

"She needs to be locked away so she can't report Tom's presence here. Why was he even outside of the cellar anyway? I told him to stay there." Darius sighs.

"Yeah, I told him to go back there too but he wouldn't listen. He was following me while I was on my way to the throne room." Steve rolls his eyes.

"He's always been rebellious. Even in his childhood." Darius sighs.

"Oh yeah, you knew him before Hunter was created right?" You ask.

"Yes. He's quite the opposite of how he used to be back then. He was a lot more quiet and serious as golden guard. He kind of had a tough time back then so I don't blame him. It's good to see him in higher spirits though." Darius smiles.

"How'd he have a tough time?" Steve asks.

"Belos wasn't necessarily the kindest towards him. Believe it or not he's been a lot easier on Hunter than he was with Tom. Tom's punishments were a lot more severe and mental." Darius sighs.

Steve makes a concerned face. You frown.

"That's why I said it's good to see him in much higher spirits. Back then he was an entire different person. He was filled with a lot of anger and resentment. He wasn't exactly as kind as he is now. No mercy to scouts, or others besides the emperor that hurt him. It was shocking seeing how much his personality changed when I found him on the island. He never smiled as much as he does now." Darius says.

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