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~ Scout HQ - 5 years ago ~

Hunter POV:

It is 5 am, I ring the front desk bell eagerly.

"Hey! Hey! Anyone here?!" I exclaim.

I hear footsteps from the back and a door opens and it's a regular scout member. They walk up to me and look at me.

"Oh, Belos's new apprentice." The scout says.

"Can I come back there for a second?? I need to check something!" I say.

"For what..? Exactly? Don't you usually have guard training at this time?" The scout asks.

"Yessss..? But I need to do something just real quick! Please? Will you let me back there? Please?" I ask.

The scout sighs and unlocks the little gate and let's Hunter come to the back.

"Do what you gotta do, I'm not a part of this." The scout says walking away.

"Thanks!" I say and run to the back where all the scouts mission files are.

I scan through them all until I finally find Kiki's mission files. I grin and I pull them out and go through them.

"Where's today... where's today..." I mutter and flip through the pages.

I keep flipping pages and my eyes widen and I see todays missions page for Kiki. I pull it out and grab a pen on a nearby desk.

Todays task: "supervise senior emperors coven tryouts"

"Not anymore." I say and scratch it out with a pen.

I look up at the other scouts files and then I quickly grab Liliths files. Lilith is more rational than Kiki, if she supervised emperors coven tryouts, Y/ns older brother will be sure to make the cut like he's been working for.

I open Liliths files and flip to her today page. What's her mission today?

Todays task: "mission to desert palms."

"I'll switch it out." I mumble and cross that out with my pen as well.

I swap Lilith and Kiki's tasks for today. It's only an hour until everybody comes down and checks their missions for today. I'm here just in time.

I put their files back in their responsible cubbies and quickly leave.

~ later, Hidden Cell, Conformatorium ~

"Tom!" I exclaim coming in quickly.

"Tom, guess what I did! Tom!" I say running up to his cell.

"What did you do?" He sits up and rubs his eyes.

"First things first, this is for you." I smirk and hand him some soaps.

Tom scoffs and takes it, putting it to the side.

"Thanks Hunter." He folds his arms.

"Your welcome, but I did something cool, guess what I did?" I say.

"What did you do?" Tom says.

"Guess!" I say.

"Oh my Titan, no, don't tell me to guess don't play that with me Hunter." Tom scoffs but smiles a little.

"Okay okay, well remember Y/n I told you about?" I say.

"Oh! Did you make a move?" Tom smirks.

"...what do you mean move?" I tilt my head.

"You know a move, like-" Tom begins and then looks at my confused face.

"...Nevermind, continue." He smiles.

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