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~4 years ago~


~present time~

Hunter was quiet.

He was tapping his leg anxiously and his pupils were extremely contracted. He was pale too.

You were still processing everything he told you. He looked as if he was holding his breath.

His grip on his drink was tight. It was so tight that-

He gasps slightly.

The glass of the cup shatters and the drink spills everywhere. He flinches.

"Oh my Titan!" You exclaim.

"I- sorry-" He stutters.

"It's fine. You're fine- it was an accident." You say and stand up.

"Uh- stay here I'll get you some napkins- or something." You say.

"No. It just got on my jacket it's fine." He sighs and takes his jacket off.

"I'll wash it later." He shakes his head and just facepalms himself.

You stare at him silently.

"...so you kil-"

"Stop." He holds out his hand.

He looks away from you and takes a shaky breath in.

"Don't remind me. I told you once. I'm not telling you again." He shakes his head.

You stare at him silently as he just sits there alone with his thoughts. He looks away and covers his face.

You hear him shakily exhale.

"I'm so sorry... that that all happened..." You say.

He doesn't respond.

"I just-" he starts.

You look at him sadly.

"I hope he wasn't in too much pain... but he probably was-" His voice breaks.

"If there were a more peaceful way I would have done it- but all we had was a knife- it- he probably was in so much pain-" he shakes his head.

You put your hand on his shoulder, he glances at you and he looks like he's trying not to tear up infront of you. He doesn't want to look vulnerable or emotional in front of you.

"What happened after that?" You ask.

He shakily inhakes and then slowly exhales.

~4 years ago~

We stare at eachother for a moment as the knife sits in his heart. His eyes are twitching, and he looks as if he's holding his breath.

Ⓗealing Ⓖolden Ⓢcars (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now