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~ 4 years ago ~


"We don't have much time."


~present time~

He takes your hand off of his cheek and holds it in his.

"...Can you come with me..? Somewhere?" He asks softly.

You have your lips slightly parted. He looks at you with anticipation, but you finally nod yes.

"Okay.." He says and holds your hand tightly.

He starts walking you both towards a different area of the ballroom and he drags you off with your hand in his. He holds it tightly.

You approach a door to the outside. It's one of those glass doors you can pull open. It's a little balcony outside the ballroom. There's a little high table with some decorative flowers.

Other than that, it's a nice balcony. It's a little chilly outside since it's nighttime. Hunter closed the door to the inside behind you both and he sighs.


"I... um..." he blushes.

You blush slightly.

He scratches the back of his head and tries to maintain his blushing but it doesn't seem like he can.

He's trying to look all confident again but he can't bring himself to give you a confident gaze. Not after he showed you his vulnerability like that.

He feels embarrassed.

"What's wrong..?" You ask.

He takes a deep breath.

"I- why did you- why'd you.." He blushes and looks away.

You start blushing too, you shake your head and look away

He clasps his lips together nervously and then looks away. He takes a shaky breath and then he places his hand against your arm.

You look up at him. He looks at you sincerely.

"Um.." he mumbles.

You blush. He blushes.

He starts getting nervous and his eyes glance at your eyes and then drift down to your lips for a split second.

You feel yourself heating up. He looks at you and then he seems to catch himself and then he shakes his head.

"No-No- I- I need to um..." he blushes.

He sighs and looks at you seriously.

"...You want to know more about me? Why I left?" He asks.

You nod.

Hunter sighs and leans against the edge of the balcony overlooking the scenery of the moat around the emperors coven.

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