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~ 4 years ago ~




~present time~

"So... that must be why you're back... the emperors coven came... and brought you back..? What about Tom? What happened to him?" You ask.

Hunter glances at you and he takes another sip from his drink. He makes another sour face.

"Uhm.." He looks away.

He rubs the rim of his nose and you can smell the anxiety off of him.

"Can I sit.. next to you?" He asks.

"Go ahead." You scoot over on the couch to give him room.

He sits next to you and he sighs and holds his head in one hand and his drink in the other. You look at him and he seems stressed and uncomfortable.

"I haven't told anyone this. I've never talked to anyone about this... and I thought I never would have to talk to anyone about this." He says.

"Take your time." You say.

He sighs and takes another sip from his drink.

"I-" He trembles.

You frown.

"I'm sorry it's- it's difficult-" he shakes his head.

You put your hand on his shoulder and he looks over at you. He looks vulnerable, he looks sad.

"...Did they kill him?" You ask.

He looks at you nervously and his pupils contract. He looks away and just stares into his drink.

He's gone tense. You can feel how tense he's getting from your hand on his shoulder.

"N-no- we- I- " He starts trembling.

You frown.

"Start where you left off... you found Tom in his toad habitat... he told you the emperors coven was here... then what?" You grip his shoulder.

He looks at you and then back into his cup. He sighs.

~4 years ago~

When I found out the emperors coven was here I didn't know what to do. I was afraid.

"What do we do? Where are they? We need to hide..!" I stand up.

Tom stays kneeling down where he is staring at Josie and Bumpy. The tadpoles in the pond are still alive though. He watches them swim.

"I don't know." Tom says emotionlessly.

"Tom!" I exclaim.

He doesn't answer he just sits there looking deprived of all emotion. I frown and I grab his shoulder and start shaking him.

"Tom you can't just sit there we need to do something Tom..!" I shake him.

Ⓗealing Ⓖolden Ⓢcars (Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now