chapter 3

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Peter was talking to Gwen and she took me to a safer place. Everything hurt and the ringing only got louder. Then I saw Miles and Peter they seemed to handle the villains by themselves. "Y/n can you hear us?" Miles asked. I could barely understand his sentence and took my mask off. "Loud ringing," was all I said.

"He must've gotten hit by a pumpkin bomb and hit his head that means he won't be able to hear us other than ringing for a few hours," Peter spoke.

After that it's been a few weeks like Peter and Miles said they were gone for some personal stuff. Gwen got sick so I've been patrolling all on my own. That's when I see doc oct and he had money from the bank in a bag. I quickly started to swing after him and started to slightly slow him down with some web shots to his mechanical arms things. "Well well little spider by himself let's see how you can handle this," doc oct said as he used one of his mechanical arms to hit me. I caught it and didn't realize he was using that one to distract me til after being slammed into a brick wall.

As I groaned in pain, struggling to regain my composure, Doctor Octopus loomed over me with a sinister grin. The impact had disoriented me, but I refused to let the pain and momentary setback deter me from protecting the city.

With a burst of determination, I sprang back into action, launching myself towards Doc Ock with renewed vigor. I unleashed a barrage of web shots, aiming to ensnare his mechanical arms and limit his mobility. However, his advanced technology proved to be a formidable adversary, as his mechanical arms deflected my webs with ease.

Realizing that a direct confrontation would only result in further injury, I swiftly adjusted my strategy. Utilizing my agility and acrobatic skills, I leaped and somersaulted around the environment, using the surrounding structures to my advantage. I focused on creating distance between Doc Ock and myself, buying precious time to formulate a more effective plan.

As I swung through the city, narrowly avoiding the relentless attacks from Doc Ock's mechanical arms, I activated my suit's enhanced vision mode. The heads-up display provided me with valuable information, highlighting potential weak points in his armor and predicting his next move.

Spotting a vulnerable moment, I seized the opportunity and launched a series of precise web shots towards the joints of his mechanical arms. With each successful hit, I gradually limited his mobility, forcing him to rely on fewer arms to defend himself.

But Doc Ock was no ordinary villain. As I closed in on him, he unleashed a powerful energy blast from one of his remaining mechanical arms, catching me off guard. The blast sent me hurtling through the air and crashing into a nearby car, leaving me momentarily stunned.

Next thing I know a portal was behind me and Doc Ock used an mechanical arms and pushed me into it.

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