chapter 6

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Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, stepped forward, his presence commanding the room. He nodded in agreement with Alfred's suggestion. "That would be a good idea, Alfred. We can provide Y/n with some suitable clothing until he is fully recovered."

Alfred quickly fetched a set of clothes that would fit me, ensuring that they were comfortable and appropriate for the circumstances. As he handed them to me, I expressed my gratitude for their generosity and care.

"Thank you, Alfred. I appreciate your thoughtfulness," I said, a sense of relief washing over me as I finally had something to wear other than the makeshift blanket.

Bruce observed the interaction silently, his gaze thoughtful. "You're welcome, Y/n. It's important that you feel comfortable and at ease during your stay here," he replied, his voice calm and reassuring.

Now dressed in the provided clothes, I felt a renewed sense of confidence and readiness to face the challenges ahead. The wounds on my body were still healing, however the one on my waist hurt the most. "Hey I got an idea," Dick spoke, "how about we watch some movies and hangout it'll help y/n feel comfortable around us and it'll help him feel like he's not bed ridden and stuff."

That's when Tim grabbed my hand and followed the others dragging me with them to a cinema room.

spider bat (Spider-Man and Batman crossover)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt