chapter 13

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I saw Tim have a confused expression on his face. "Basically when we find spiders we double check them to make sure they don't have any radioactivity in their system then we would release them or give them to animal protection," I spoke then did a running start on the acrobatic mat and quickly did a handstand into a backflip landing gracefully.

Tim went over to one of the other equipment and started to weight lift.

(The song decided not work above so here you go ik some people like listening to music while reading and thought this fit the story for some reason idk why but umm enjoy)

I looked at Tim, "hey weird question do you happen to have a clock in here that I didn't see?" "Nope we use our phones for time I didn't bring mine with me and guessing from your question you didn't bring yours either," Tim replied with. "Pretty much," I spoke.

That's when Damian, Dick, and Jason walked in. Tim kept weight lifting and I did a few more handstands into backflips or handstands into summersaults. I could feel someone just staring at me while I landed as if they were making sure I wouldn't land in correctly. "Alfred said breakfast was ready and dad had to go to a meeting with some people at his workplace," Damian spoke.

"Alright we'll be down in a bit," Tim spoke. Then I did a few flips and landed right beside Jason and accidentally lost balance from not feeling the mat under my feet. Jason luckily caught me with one arm. "Y/n you okay?" Dick and Tim spoke at the same time. "Peachy didn't realize I went off the mat," I replied with.

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