chapter 24

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I smiled at Jason and then turned to Tim. "I heard you missed me," I teased, knowing Tim hated being accused of showing any sign of emotion. He just rolled his eyes and mumbled something under his breath.

I felt someone else approach and turned to see Damian. "Tch, don't flatter yourself," he said, but I could tell by the faint smirk on his face that he was glad to see me up and about.

Alfred entered the kitchen and gave me a warm smile. "Good to see you up, Y/n," he said kindly. "I trust you slept well?"

I nodded and thanked him for the food and drink.

Gwen's missed call flashed in my mind, knowing that she would be hitting me upside the head for ignoring her when I'm back in my world.

That's when the crime alarm went off. We all ran to the bat cave and Dick pulled up what was happening. "Joker and Harley are up to something again Damian you'll go with Tim and Jason, I'll go with y/n," Dick spoke. We nod our heads and left going our separate ways.

When me and Dick finally got to where Harley was Dick had to deal with her dogs while I went after her.

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