chapter 20

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After I got done to a certain chapter in the book and put a book mark in it me and Alfred were just chatting about random stuff. "You must be getting to bed soon," Alfred spoke as we both looked at the time. "I will thank you, Alfred," I said and went to the room I've been staying in. I took a shower and got changed into comfortable clothes.

I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Then I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I was sitting on a bench under a tree in the park. Gwen and Miles were picking on each other before I was tackled by Miles. I couldn't understand what they were saying but I know Miles was saying sorry he was trying to tackle Gwen. Then the park started to fade and so did Gwen and Miles. Peter was reaching out trying to grab my hand. But everything faded into darkness.

I felt alone it was weird. Nothing but darkness all over again.

~Dream over~

I quickly woke up and sat up straight taking in deep shaky breaths. I could feel anxiety creeping on me. It was hard to breathe for some reason. I quickly got up and left the room and went to the kitchen to grab some water.

As I got to the kitchen and grabbed some water to drink I felt as if I was covered in sweat. My heart beat kept pounding fast to the point all I heard was my own heart beat.

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