chapter 12

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Morning arrived and I was fully awake even though it was only 4am. I got up and decided to walk on the ceiling a little bit and did so. That's when my phone went off. "4am patrol probably won't be doing it while staying here," I mumbled to myself and turned the alarm off.

I got down from the ceiling and over to the desk and remembering the chemicals I needed for my web stuff. However, I was very bored and left my room walking around the hallways to find a workout room. I saw a couple of acrobatic equipment and a lot of work out equipment.

But that's when I saw the acrobatic mat. I quickly went over to it. I started doing a bunch of flips. Then I did a summersault into a back hand spring. After that I did a few handstands, cartwheels, and a couple of back flips. "Damn, nice moves man," Tim spoke. "Thanks," was all I said.

"Hey weird question y/n," Tim spoke once again. "Weird answer," I replied with a small smile. "How did you become well-" I cut him off, "Spider-Man?" That's when Tim nodded his head. "Well when I was younger around 8 years old, Peter saved me from some stuff I lost both parents when i was 6 Peter saved me from a fire so I looked up to him, he wasn't just a hero to me he was a friend, a big brother, and someone I could trust for a long time." I sighed a little bit, "I became spiderman after getting bitten by a spider that Peter brought to our hideout and well yeah."

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