chapter 10

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After everyone was done with the two villains we head back to the bat cave and I just sling shot my way there that was until I was sling shoting and I ran out falling on my ass only to land on Jason's motorcycle. "Damn didn't know I would be catching you tonight just hold on tight y/n," Jason spoke. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist as he sped up and we finally made it to the bat cave.

"Y/n you can let go now we are in the cave," Jason said. I quickly got off the motorcycle, "sorry." "Guessing you ran out of your supplies," Bruce spoke. "Yep," was all I said. I felt sharp pain from my side and tried to ignore it. Truth be told I knew it was going to reopen. "Holy shit Jason you're bleeding," Dick spoke.

Jason quickly pulled up his shirt, "I'm not bleeding dumbass." I quickly undid the top part of my suit and pulled it down to see my waist. "Well fuck it reopened," was all I said. Alfred left to get a first aid kit. "How did it reopen?" Damian asked.

"Acrobats and probably the explosions," I replied with and Alfred came in with the first aid kit. "It won't stay close if it's stitched just get some metal heat it up and put it on the wound it'll close it properly," I spoke. That only made Alfred look at me weird.

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