Witch & Familiar Mates

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"Where the hell are they?" She can see her breath as she speaks in the cold night air. She is used to the cold and to the short black party dress she wears, even the 8" heels bring her comfort. No, what bothers her is that her stupid friends that are late when this whole thing was their idea.

She leans against the cool brick wall of a nearby building. I could be studying for the test coming up in a week, but no. They had to convince me to come to a club with them, even though they're late. She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, but even as she thinks this, she knows she doesn't quite mean it. Yes, she's pissed that her friends are late, but she loves them and can't deny that all they wanted to do was help her have some fun. If only they knew she'd had her fill of this kind of fun.

She doesn't really mind partying. If she was honest, she really fucking missed it. It'd been a while since she's done dumb shit and just let herself have fun. But that's how she is, extreme.

She tends to be one extreme or the other. From a girl who went from club to party to after-party, to a girl who goes from class to library to study groups. She's all or nothing. So tonight she plans to go all out.

She shifts her weight from one leg to another. Her old 8'' "chunks" help the wait be more manageable, though she can't help her fidgeting.

"You look like you need a smoke," she turns her head to see a handsome gruff looking man with a beautiful mane of shoulder length black hair. How do men have such effortlessly gorgeous hair? It's not fair. Then she looks at his eyes-a striking light blue-made even more alluring by his long lashes and beautiful, thick brows. Life is not fair. They don't even care about eyelashes. His strong bone structure stands out in the neon lights of the club across from them.

"Fuck yeah I do," she replies with a smirk. If I'm being bad, I might as well enjoy all my bad habits for one night.

"Here," he hands her a cigarette and is about to grab his lighter when she stops him.

"Want to see a magic trick?" She winks and snaps. A small flame comes out of the top of her thumb. She lights the cigarette and takes a drag. Then leans back against the wall.

"Cool trick," he says, trying to hide his impressed gaze. "How'd you do it?"

"Ah-ah" she waves a finger in-front of his face, long nails making her movements exaggerated. "I'm afraid I don't know you well enough to tell you that." she looks him up and down and licks her lips, "but we could change that."

He leans back against the wall as well and is about to say something else when someone calls out to him. He turns and flips them off. She laughs, and he smiles. She shouldn't get caught up with a guy. Tonight was supposed to be for her and her friends, but he is the kind of guy you'd ditch your friends for. It's their fault they're late, and I found other company for the night. She snaps out of it.

"I should go," she puts out her cigarette and moves away from the wall. "I need to hunt down my friends."

"If we were friends," his eyes trail up and down her body as he takes a step closer, "would you hunt me down too?" He steps closer and his eyes seem to flash with something, his pupils changing shape. Must be a trick of the light.

But as she stands there checking him out, she's hit with a want so strong it almost knocks her off her feet. He's intoxicating. Images flash through her mind of them, tangled limbs in a field of wildflowers.

She feels her gaze darken.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" She takes a step closer and now they're inches apart. She looks into those beautiful eyes of his. They're the same height with her heels on, so it's easy to see them. She steps closer again. The tension is almost electric. They are so incredibly close now. He must feel it too, because he gulps. She lifts her hand slowly and caresses his cheek.

"The problem is, I don't think we could be friends," she follows her hand with her eyes. She drags her thumb over his bottom lip. It's full and plump and she wants to kiss it, bite it. "How could I ever settle for just friends with you?"

She puts her other arm around his neck and leans in and kisses him. When their lips meet, she feels fireworks, her heart pounding in her chest.

For a moment, he hesitates. Then he grabs her waist and pulls her in, deepening the kiss. The kiss is desperate and real, far too real, but she can't stop, won't stop.

For a while they holding each other, clawing, grabbing each other as if the other would disappear if they slow down or dared to stop. She lets herself melt into him and just enjoys the moment. No worries, stress, cares. Just them. Just the warmth of their bodies pressed up against each other in the cold night air. No one else exists in that moment. Then the moment is over.

"Sofia?" She pulls away and turns to face her friends, who finally decided to show up at the worst time. They look beyond shocked. She smiles, still in his arms.

"Hey," she nods to the entrance to the club. "I'll meet up with you later." She turns back to him and runs a finger under his jaw, almost kissing him before she turns back. "Or maybe tomorrow," and she kisses him again.

She knows she all but told her friends to fuck off before kissing him, but she still hears them cheer as they head off somewhere. She smiles into the kiss.

To be continued...

January 21, 2024

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