Succubus & Angel Soulmates X

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Lara opens the door to the cab and watches Troy as his lanky body tries to climb across the seats. She rolls her eyes but still can't help the chuckles that escape her.

She climbs in after him and gives the Vampire her address.

She leans back and takes a deep, rattling breath. As if to spite her, as her lungs expand to take in more air, the roses grow to fill that space before she has the chance to breathe out. She exhales and feels the thorns imbed themselves so deeply into her lungs she's surprised they don't puncture them. Well, maybe one day they will. Is that how she'll die? More importantly, she was doing better just a short time ago. Why was her chest suddenly feeling so much worse?

Troy elbows her, taking her attention away from her anguish.

She looks at him with a-what the fuck do you want-face.

He just shakes his head, saying, "It's your turn to explain, and don't think you're getting out of this. So sing for me Birdy."

"You ever fucking call me that again-"

"I sincerely apologize," he says with no hesitation, raising his hands in mock surrender, a mischievous grin plastered to his face. She'd love to slap it off him right about now but decides against the use of violence.

She instead turns to look out the window, the city flying by.

"You left, and I was minding my own business, dancing. Then, I ran into Azrael."

"You just ran into him?" She can hear the smirk in his voice when he asks that.

"Physically ran into him." She clarifies. "He grabbed my waist to keep me from falling. His touch-it felt like heaven."

Troy snorts. "Sounds like he didn't do a great job, you still fell pretty hard."

"Shut up." She snaps.

"Okay, okay. Continue."

"He wanted to talk, I didn't. Told him I wanted to dance and enjoy my night. I pushed him away and went on dancing."

"What next?" Troy asked, audibly excited.

"Then a slow song came on and as I was searching for a partner, Azrael appeared and pulled me into him, saying you wanted to dance, so let's dance."

Troy squealed like a little girl, all excited. "He did not say that!"

"He did," she says deadpan, not sharing the same excitement as her friend.

"Then what?"

"Then, we danced, and I got lost in the moment and his healing touch and kissed him."

He squeals again, this time even higher than the last. "-and?" Troy asks. If he had a tail, it would be thumping against the seat in anticipation right now.

She just shoots him a-that's about it-look, which he rolls his eyes to.

"Did he kiss you back?"

"Yes," she said, trying to hide the slight blush that rises on her cheeks at the memory. Her hands in his soft hair. His lips on hers, surprise turning into something else. His flirty words, her flirty replies.

"And then?" Troy's question pulls her out of the memory, ripping her back to the moment. She turns to face him.

She clears her throat. "And then he pulled back, trying to talk, but I stopped him by kissing him again."

"Oooooooo-" he sounded like a tornado siren. Making her laugh. His excitement was quite contagious and finally she couldn't keep it from effecting her.

Then she remembered what came next in the chain of events. Her smile fell.

"Then people noticed a succubus and angel kissing, and I broke the kiss and ran out because I finally realized what a stupid thing I had done."

"No!" he practically screamed in unison with the taxi driver, who at some point must've gotten quite invested in her story.

Tony looked at the vampire, but he just cleared his throat. She taps his leg to bring back his attention and sees the driver visibly sigh in relief. She forgot how scary Tony could be.

"Wait, so let me get this straight," Troy says, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You were the one that ran? Why?"

"What do you mean, why? I should've never done it in the first place. You should've seen the looks on their faces."

"Since when did you start caring about that sort of thing?" he says annoyed. "Since when did you care what other people think of you?"

"I don't care what they think of me. It's Azrael. I don't want to tarnish his reputation."

"God. Why do you have to be such a nice person?"

"They call me Lara here," she jokes, making Troy groan. "I've made my choice."

"Is he your soulmate?" The cab driver interrupts.

Lara turns to him, surprised. "Maybe."

"Then go for it. Don't worry about his reputation. Worry about him. Love him. Care for him. Fight for him. Otherwise you might lose him."

She watches as he wipes away a few stray tears and just nods.

"I wish it was that simple-" she replies.

"It can be," the vampire says.

As much as she'd like to disagree, tell him he didn't understand and that it was never simple, she knew there was some truth to his words, so instead she stays silent.

Troy seems to read the room-or car in this case-for once and stays quiet for the rest of the drive.

"We're here," the driver says as they pull up to her apartment building.

She opens the door while Troy pays, unable to look at the man.

"I think he has a point," is all Troy says as he helps her put her coat on. He gives her a hug and a kiss on the forehead before climbing back into the cab.

She watches as it speeds off into the night.

She turns around, faced with Azrael.

"Who has a good point?"

"Not right now," she says weakly. The night was wearing on her now. She needed sleep.

She walks past him towards the stairs that lead up to her apartment.

"We need to talk-"

She spins around to face him.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened. I got lost in the moment and-and it won't happen again." The words came out much harsher than she'd intended.

She turns back around before he can respond and runs for the final time tonight up to her apartment.

To be continued...

April 4, 2024

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