Reborn To Give The Villain a Redemption Arc III

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He follows her down many passages. He had always taken pride in his navigation skills, but down here, he couldn't tell what direction they were going. He didn't even know how deep underground they were. There were areas that were much lower than others. They had walked up and down a few sloped halls. It was all so confusing. He had heard of labyrinths, but had never really believed they could exist and truly make one feel as lost as he felt now. He was wrong.

The farther they went into the catacombs, the more impressed he was with Jane's ability to navigate it. She didn't hesitate once and walked like this was her home. She was comfortable, confident, and unbothered by the dead that were built into the structure.

How did she navigate such a place without a map? Who is she really?

Maybe he was too quick to come to that conclusion, he thinks. She leads him to a wall at the end of the corridor, a dead end. He looks around for another narrow passage like before but sees nothing. Before he can ask anything, she takes his hand and once again yanks him through the wall.

When he opens his eyes, he is standing in a basement.

He looks to Jane, ready to ask her about where they are but is stopped when she holds a finger to his lips. They tingle from where her finger touches them. His eyes widen.

"Shh. Be quiet." She whispers.

She runs off into a dark corner and comes back with a neat stack of something in her hands. "Change into these clothes."

He takes them and immediately begins to strip off the worn pants, replacing them with a nice pair of pants, that of what a man from a wealthy family might wear. The shirt, jacket and shoes tell the same story. Lastly, he puts on the hat.

He turns and is surprised by the sight of Jane turned around, facing the opposite wall, only wearing her petticoats and corset over a chemise. He gulps.

He watches as she slides a fancy, ruffled skirt over her head and straightens it over her petticoats, tying it at the side. She then slides on the upper part of her dress. Sliding her arms through the bellowing sleeves and ruffled front. She buttons it up and turns, noticing his gaze.

"Enjoying the view?" she asks with a smirk.

He had never seen a lady change before him. Unlike his brother, he didn't toy with women. He'd never had the time or motivation.

"Sean," Jane asks, waving a gloved hand in front of his face, a fashionable hat fixed on her head. "I need you to do exactly as I tell you."

"Okay," he agrees.

"No matter what, do not let go of my hand. They won't be able to see us as long as you keep skin contact with me." he raises a brow in question. "We don't have the time for me to explain right now."

He takes her hand that doesn't have a glove. "I understand. Lead the way."

She nods before turning. She fazes them through the door into the stairway that likely would take them up to the main level of the house.

She leads them through a small hallway into the through a room filled with people. He looks around at the people looking right through them. It gave him an uneasy feeling. Luckily, it was over quickly as they made their way to the entryway and through the front door.

She holds a finger to her lips, telling him they still need to stay hidden. He nods and off they go again. This time down a street, through a cornfield. She leads him through into a small cove of trees. She lets go and runs behind a large boulder.

He waits, and a moment later a horse-drawn carriage comes out from behind the boulder. A man holds the reins. William? That man is the butler than helped raise him and his brother.

The door swings open, and Jane pops her head out. "I figured we need some help," she gestures to William.

"This would be treason," he warns William. "You would never be able to return."

"I'm well aware of the consequences of my actions," he says. "Once lady Jane told me her plan, I knew I had to come with you. I've always supported you, and I always will."

"Thank you," is all he manages. William nods.

"Hop in, quick," Jane says, gesturing to him to join her. "The guards are likely already aware of your escape and are sending out knights in a manhunt all throughout the capital and armies to secure the border."

He doesn't hesitate and gets into the carriage and then they're off. He looks out and recognizes the town they're leaving. It's a small settlement on the outskirts of the capital, the one farthest from the castle.

It was incredible, the distance they traveled underground in such a short time.

"Where are we going?" he asks finally.

"To the dark kingdom," she says. "We need a kingdom and they need a ruler."

"They decide their ruler by fighting to the death," he says, suddenly irritated. "You just expect me to go in there and fight those monsters of men? I can't win-"

"You don't have to because you won't be the one fighting," she says. "I'll fight and win."

"You are so confident," he mocks. "How can you be so sure?"

"I know when and how to fight dirty. They appreciate the appetite for victory." She says.

"That isn't enough," he says. "They fight with the power of their dead brethren-"

"-and I can raise the dead to fight along with me if necessary."

She's staring him in the eye. She's telling him the truth. He knew she had some magic, but this was something else.

"What are you?" he asks.

"What if I told you this wasn't my first life?" she asks. "Would you think me crazy, or would you believe me?"

"That was what you meant when you said you died."

She nods.

"Okay, fine. What do you need me to do?"

"While I'm fighting, I'll need you to go steal the ring of darkness."

"That's a myth," he says. She pulls out a scroll and throws it at him. He catches it and opens it. "A map?" he raises a brow at her.

"That is where you'll find it. It is hidden under a pile of rocks in a cave. You'll have to walk under a waterfall to get into the cave."

"Your serious?" he asks. "You actually believe-"

"I don't believe, I know." She says. "Once you have it, no one will be able to challenge you right for the thrown because of the power it will give you."

"This is crazy," he says, looking up at her. "This land is overrun with poisonous creatures and plants."

"Good thing you have great expertise in poisons," she says. The memory of his multiple attempts to poison his brother and her sister come to mind. He laughs in frustration.

"Fine." He spits.

"We'll split up when we get to the border, but first we must marry. For that, we'll make a small stop in Lemask."

"The People of Feldspar, their capital city?" he asks. "Wasn't it burned to the ground?"

"Not completely," she says with a smirk. "The church survived."

To be continued...

February 25, 2024

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