Succubus & Angel Soulmates V

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She was pretty sure that those few seconds of skin contact with Azrael had added another week to her life.

She felt decent for the first time in a while.

She should be grateful, but right now, standing at her best friend's door, she realized she wasn't ready for this. She turns away, deciding she'd just go home and return the bikini another time.

Only, when she turns, Troy is standing there, arms crossed and brow raised. Shit.

"Are you trying to run away again?"

"That's not fair," Lara complains.

"You've been avoiding us the past two days."

"Fine," she says, walking back up to the door and pounding on it. She turns back to Troy, sticking out her tongue.

"She lives," Isabella says as she opens the door.

Lara ignores her smartass remark and throws the bag with her bikini in it at her. Then pushes past her into the livingroom. She takes her place in the most comfortable piece of furniture in the modern house, the table.

"Why don't you use a chair like a normal person?" Isabella rolls her eyes.

"I don't know what in that fucked up wolf brain of yours tells you where are chairs in this room, but it's wrong."

Isabella takes a seat in a bright red hand coming out of her floor.

"I'm with Lara on this one," Troy says trying and failing to sit on this spinning top looking thing. The normally elegant man was slipping and falling all over the place like a rag doll. He falls out 5 times before finally giving up and sitting on the table next to Lara.

"Those are not chairs," he says, pointing at the thing he just tried to sit in.

"Whatever," Isabella says. "If you're done making fun of my chairs, can talk about your soulmate?"

"I'm not done talking about the junk drawer of random objects you dumped out and enlarged to create what you call furniture." Lara points to another of the things. "What the fuck is even that? 

It looks like if a flying saucer and a hamster wheel had a baby in the worst way possible. How the hell are you even supposed to sit in that?"

"Lara," Isabella growls.

"Yes," Lara replies with a grin she knows will only piss off her friend more.

"What the fuck happened with your soulmate, and why didn't you tell us?" Isabella says in the calm voice she uses before she rips out someone's throat.

"That's none of your business," Lara says, admiring what is left of her nail polish.

"Troy," Isabella growls, standing up. Her fists were clenched, her knuckles white.

"Just tell her," Troy pleads, taking one of Lara's hands in his own. "I really don't want to die today. You know she'll use me to get to you-"

"Bad idea," Lara replies dryly, "considering I enjoy seeing you in pain."



"Ouch," he says, covering his heart and falling to the floor dramatically as if he'd just gotten shot.

"Lara," Isabella says. "Please tell us?"

"Fine." She runs a hand through her hair. "I rejected myself, because we both don't deserve to die. He-I can't be the one to kill an angel."

"An angel?" she asks dazed.

"Azrael." Lara confirms.

There is a solid ten minutes of silence as she watches her friends' minds spin at that information. It was honestly a bit funny to see them working so hard to piece it all together.

"You can't do that," Troy finally says, sitting up from the floor. "You can't reject yourself. You'll die."

"Actually I can," she says. "I already did."


"I'll die anyway."

"Why reject yourself?" Isabella asks.

"You can't actually expect him to accept me," she laughs but chokes and ends up with a coughing fit, blood and petals falling around her in a beautiful halo of death.

"Why would he reject you?" Isabella asks, confused.

"I'm a succubus."

"That doesn't answer-"

"Isabella, he is a literal angel."

"As much as I hate to agree," Troy interjects. "I think she's right."

"Why does that even matter? You're great. I don't understand-"

"It's not about being great. It's about being a succubus."

"That's absurd."

"Succubus are seen as worse than sirens," Troy tries to explain.

"To most we are simply lust filled beings that will make people cheat and manipulate people into doing sexual things they don't want." Lara says. People still believed the old myths.

"As if we have some special magic that makes us able to control people," Troy scoffs. "But we're just naturally sexy and have extremely high pheromones that make us irresistible to people looking to do sexual acts. We don't make people do anything they don't want. We are stronger and faster than most species, but that is about it."

"People don't care, though. They just want someone to blame for their bad behavior," Lara adds.

"If people found out an angel accepted a succubus soulmate, who knows what chaos could erupt," Troy explains further.

"It just wouldn't happen," Lara says, shaking her head.

"Why does that matter? If God chose you as soulmates, then people will accept-"

"Maybe if people were rational," Lara agrees. "But they aren't. They're emotional and they won't like it. They don't even like that we exist, even though God created us."

Troy nods.

Isabella is silent, looking down.

"Lets talk about something else," Lara pleads her friends. "I want to spend my time having fun with my friends and not talking about how unfair life is."

"Lets go clubbing!" Troy jumps up from where he sat on the ground and pulls her up with him. "Let's get you laid before you die a virgin."

"Clubbing yes," Lara agrees. "The rest, I'll have to decline. Though I appreciate your worry when it comes to my sexual health."

He winks.

"Lets go shopping," Isabella finally says, a smile growing on her face. "Get you in something that would make even an angel blush." She smirks.

"Been there," Lara says, walking to the door. "Done that."

"You did not?" Troy says running up to her.

"I mean," she opens the door and glances up at Troy, "did you see me in that bikini?"

"No fucking way."

"I made him blush twice."

"Teach me," Troy puts his hands together and pouts.

She rolls her eyes as Isabella throws an arm around her shoulders.

"Lets go raise hell before you go to heaven," Isabella says, leading the way.

To be continued...

March 30, 2024

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