Hidden Marriage

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"All you two do is fight and I'm sick of it!" He screams.

"Look, I'm sorry but-" she tired to explain but he interrupts.

"No," Jason screams. "I'm sick of your shit. I know you two don't like each other but can you try to get along for even one day? Even one hour?"

"It's not like that," Lauren tries to explain but Jason cuts her off again.

"Yes, due tell how you don't actually hate each other," he snaps.

"It's just banter," Liam says. "That's all-"

Jason is gone before Liam could finish speaking, blending into the sea of people in his living room.

"We need to tell him," Lauren says. "We can't hide our relationship forever."

"You really want to tell them when that is their reaction to us flirting and joking around?"

"I don't care anymore," she says. "I just don't want to hide our marriage anymore."

"What would we even say?" Liam asks.

"We just tell him our story. How at first, it was arranged, we kept it a secret because we saw it as nothing more than a new living arrangement for a while but as time went on, we fell in love and now we fuck on the regular, blah blah blah, yata yata yata," she explains.

"We can leave out the last part," he says, his cheeks warm.

"Yeah, you're right," she jokes, "they already know we fuck."

Liam shakes his head at his wife, his cheeks now bright red, "why must you say it like that?"

"Like what?" She replies, stepping closer. "You don't likey that? Then what about this?"

She runs her fingers up his chest, around to the back of his neck and pulls him in for a kiss. He instantly reacts by putting his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, deepening the kiss, making her moan in delight. He wasn't just her husband or the man she loves, no, when he was around it was like she was on red kryptonite.

She pulls him out to the center of the crowd to dance but her husband seems to have other ideas and pulls her in once again for another kiss.

They both find a way to compromise. They sway to the beat as they kiss, it was a slow long kiss. Eventually they break apart for air.

"Let them figure it out," Lauren says, putting back on her wedding ring, she usually wore around her neck. Liam follows suit before pulling her back in for a kiss like no other.

"That's how I should've kissed you on our wedding day," he says against her lips before pulling her back in for more. "Maybe later I'll show you how I should've treated you that night.


Later, they sneak out to a balcony to talk. They are so busy joking and laughing that they don't seem to notice Jason right  behind them.

Lauren makes an especially flirty comment to her husband and he pulls her in for another kiss. She could tell he was having a hard time keeping his hands off her tonight more than usual, she loved seeing him like this, it did things to her.

"Maybe we could skip the rest of this party," Lauren says, taking Liam's hand. "And have some real fun," she whispers the last part in his ear and he visibly shivers.

"Yes please," he says.

"What the fuck is this?" Jason asks, startling the two of them apart.

"Jason," Liam says, "didn't realize you were there. How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough," he says.

"I saw you two making out at the party and now out here? What the hell is going on? When I asked you two to get along, this isn't really what I had in mind. Also, Lauren has a boyfriend. You should be ashamed-"

"Husband actually," she corrects, holding up her ring finger to show off her ring, a large diamond ring, that was Liam's grandmother's ring that she'd passed onto Liam before she died.

"What? When? Wait, that makes this so much worse-"

"I'm the husband," Liam explains, also showing off his ring, a simple gold band with their names engraved into it.

"What?" Jason asks, his face that of absolute disbelief.

"We are married," Lauren explains further. "Arranged at first but over time turned into a real marriage." She turns to Liam and takes his hand in hers, leaving their fingers through each other.

"What?" Jason asks again.

"Baby," Liam says, pulling her into him. "I think we broke him."

She chuckles.

"I told you we should've waited. Obviously they weren't ready," Liam says.

"I don't really think It will made a difference, seeing as how shocking it may be for them.

Liam looks at their friend, Jason, flicking his forehead. "Your probably right "

Suddenly Jason seems to log back into reality. "Is this some sick joke because it's really not funny."

"It's very much real," she says. "It gets realer everyday."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"He was a scaredy cat as usual," she says, rolling her eyes.

"Shut up, you also wanted to keep it a secret."

"Only in the beginning. Once I fell for you, I wanted to shout it from the rooftops."

"When did you get married?" Jason asks.

"The day after you introduced us," she said. "We hadn't met yet. Our marriage was all predestined."

"Because I was in France for business, we didn't have the chance to meet sooner."

"This is hurting my brain," Jason says. "Why do always fight?"

"We joke around and flirt-" Liam begins.

"-a lot." Lauren finishes.

"Mandy is going to loose it when she finds out," he says. "You know that right?"

"We expected as much."

"I-I need some sleep now," Jason says. "I'm heading home."

"Dude, this is your house," Liam says.


"Come on," Liam says, swinging his arm around Jason, "let's go tell the rest of the gang, why don't we?"

"Why do I through party's again?"

The End.

February 18, 2024

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