How a Bad Girl, Nerd, Goth, & Quinceañera Princess Saved The World III

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A blaring noise erupts from every phone in the subway car. It sounds similar to an amber alert. Most people not on their phones ignore it at first, as do the four girls, but when an older woman screams, her phone falling from her hands while reading, it piques the interest of others and one by one people react, covering their mouths in horror, screaming or crying.

Naomi and the other girls scramble to pull out their phones to check for themselves what was making people react in such a way.

[A photo of the country's leaders dead on the steps of the capital. A flag burns in the background.]

This is an announcement to the public that this country is no longer a democracy. You need to register at your nearest hospital, government office or police station to show us your cooperation with the new government. Anyone who doesn't register within the next 24 hours will be arrested for resisting and publicly executed.

"Fuck," Naomi swears under her breath.

"What is this?" Sheryl asks, her voice shaky.

"Is this a joke?" Irene asks. "This can't be real. Who would play such a sick joke?"

"This is horrific," Joann says, covering her face with her black gloved hand.

"There is no way in hell I'm doing what they say. I'd rather die," Naomi says leaning back in her seat, her arms crossed over her chest. Her face and tone were resolute. Real or not, she refused to submit to anyone and be their little bitch.

"What are we supposed to do, then?" Sheryl asks.

"This can't be real," Irene repeats again in disbelief.

"It's real," Sheryl mummers under her breath. "The news has been taken over and is announcing the same thing. The anchors look like they're being held at gunpoint."

"How did all this happen?" Irene says, the reality of the situation finally sinking in.

"I agree with Naomi," Joann says. "We can't just go along with this. Who knows if they're even telling the truth?"

"True," Irene adds, "they could just be rounding us up to make us easier to kill. We don't even know if the military would take orders from them. They may have nothing. It could be a lie that they even have the resources to take out rebels."

"Well, they must have enough power to take over the government. Why wouldn't they be telling the truth?" Sheryl asks.

"It's a bluff," Naomi says, looking at the propaganda made by the new leader. "He's inflating the number of his real resources. He's hoping that by the time the 24 hours comes that he'll have control of the military or have so much cooperation from the public that he'll be able to starve the others or something."

"How can you tell?" Irene asks.

"I can read people. Also, I'm good at poker."

"That doesn't-" Sheryl is cut off by Naomi.

"The way he sits, the sweat on his neck, the way his eyes flick to the side when he says the numbers. He wrings his hands after speaking and no matter how well rehearsed it is, he's still nervous, which tells me there is a big puzzle piece he's missing that he was planning to have by now. Likely the only thing that could realistically be a threat. He took over the media to make sure no information could be spread about it. I'm guessing all social media will be down within the next hour if it isn't already."

"Well," Irene says, adjusting her tiara, "we need to make sure that we have a plan, otherwise we'll be sitting ducks."

"True," Joann agrees.

"What about your families?" Naomi asks. "I mean, I don't have one anymore, but what about you guys?"

"My family is dead to me now," Irene snaps. Naomi sees a bit of a rabid dog in there somewhere. She has an edge. Naomi can respect that. She nods.

"My family is from Europe," Joann replies. "I'm an exchange student."

"No accent?" Irene asks with a raised brow.

"I've lived here since preschool."

Irene nods in understanding.

"Sheryl?" Naomi asks. The girl looks like she's somewhere else. "Sheryl?" she asks again, shaking the girl's shoulder.

The girl's head snaps up, and she meets Naomi's with a mischievous grin. "The best defence is a good offence," is all she says.

They all stare at her, confused.

"Also, I'm an orphan," she adds after a minute. "What I mean is that I think we need to go after them, attack them before the deadline and take them down."

"Or lie trying," Irene adds.

"Who? You can't possibly mean us?" Naomi says, gesturing to the four of them.

"I'm in," Irene says, her face lit with a burning rage. Sheryl nods.

"You can't be serious," Naomi says in disbelief.

"I'm good with computers. Really good," Sheryl says. "I think if I could get into their systems, I could take them down, maybe even control them."

"Me and my friends here might be useful," Joann says, gesturing to her raven and crows. "I'm good at finding out things I shouldn't and getting in and out of places I shouldn't be in."

"I'm pissed," Irene says. "I might just be angry enough to kill again."

Maybe she's just bat shit crazy...

They all stare at the princess with a bloodlust for a moment before Sheryl clears her throat.

"I guess I might as well join in on the fun," Naomi gives. "This is stupid. You know that, right?"

Sheryl smiles at her. "Of course I do."

Naomi rolls her eyes. "I'm good at chemistry. If you need something to go bang, I might just be able to help."

"If we're going down," Irene says with a smirk, "We might as well take them down with us."

"Might as well die how we want," Joann says. "I think that if we play our cards right, we might be able to do a lot of damage. Maybe prolong thier plans, inspire others to fight them."

"All of you are crazy," Naomi says, trying to bite back a smile.

To be continued...

March 22, 2024

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