Witch & Familiar Mates X

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"So let me get this straight," Sofia says, pinching her nose bridge. "We have to keep the fact that I'm an elemental fire witch as well as the fact that he is a familiar with multiple forms a secret?"

"Don't forget that were soulmate?" Earl adds.

"Also that I am your grandmother," she says as she rushes them to the gates of the large school,

her figure cloaked in darkness from every angle.

"How do I explain that I already have a familiar?"

"Just say you two bonded immediately and work well together," she shrugs.

"They'll believe that?" Sofia asks incredulously.

"Unlikely, but they can't force you to tell the truth." She grins wide and Sofia sees the flash of gold in her smile.

"Now go." She pushes them forward. The school looks more like an old castle than a college. She hadn't known what she'd expected, but a castle twice the size of the campus of her old college was not it.

Suddenly it hits her. How is she going to contact her grandmother? She turns back to ask her, but the old witch is gone. I guess it's one of those I'll contact you situations.

"Well shit, I guess we're on our own."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Earl says, and she turns to face him. He wears a smirk, and she wants nothing more than to wipe that smirk off his face and replace it with that look he gave her that night they spent under the stars.

"Your right," she says, taking a step closer to him. " I honestly couldn't imagine anything better than you, me, alone," she leans in, whispering the last part in his ear "under the stars, surrounded by wildflowers, again."

He sighs. His whole body reacting to her voice. It makes her smirk. She lightly runs her hand over his arm as she speaks, her lips a light flutter against his ear. "I think about it every day and dream of you every night."

"Stop," he says, leaning into her touch.

"Never," she smiles, pulling away and entering the gates to the school. She can feel his eyes on her as she walks, so she sways her hips just a bit more than usual to give him a bit more of a show.

I want you. He tells her.

Then come get me. He runs after her and picks her up. She laughs and when he sets her down; she runs. He chases after her and as they get to the front doors, they're greeted by a tall, thin man with short spiky hair dyed purple. He wears his smile that looks likes a mask.

"Your our new students then," he says, looking us up and down. The man-headmaster wears a skintight suit that is a blue with a scalelike pattern.

"Your a familiar," she notes out-loud. "A snake familiar."

"How did you know that?" he asks with a raised brow, his smile never leaving his face. It made her extremely uncomfortable. Too bad one of her coping mechanisms is to be a bitch.

"Based on your fashion sense and attitude, I knew you weren't a witch and street smarts told me you're a snake." That got his ever wide grin to twitch, it made her smile wide.

"Your also a Leo who wishes they were a Pisces." Earl adds. "There's no shame in being a Leo." Earl says, patting the taller man on his shoulder as he walks past through the large doors of the school. Maybe they had similar coping mechanisms.

"You'll be assigned your partner-"

"We already bonded," Sofia says, walking up to Earl. The pull was intense, and it took every bit of her to hide her attraction.

Things had been a bit awkward after he had told her a few nights ago about the woman and the child. She'd held him and comforted him. He'd told her he feared becoming a monster, he feared he already was one.

She'd explained that he wasn't a monster. He couldn't be because he saved the child. A monster would've walked by, a monster would have killed the child, not protected it. The thing that finally seemed to get through to him was that he obviously didn't enjoy it. Killing.

What she hadn't told him was that she had. She'd enjoyed every second she watched her grandfather burn alive. She loved that she had been the one to cause such pain. It scared her.

Earl walks up to her and puts an arm around her shoulders.

"We just got along so well, we just had to stick together." He grins, showing his long canines.

"Fine then," the head master says, his smile wide but his tone annoyed. "Follow me. I'll take you to your room."

They look at eachother confused. "A shared room?"

"Once you bond, you will be together all the time and have to learn to work together, to use each other to ground your magic. It just makes sense to have you room together, seeing as you'll live together after you graduate."

It makes sense, but for some reason it gives her goosebumps, the idea of living-having a future with Earl.

"Familiar form?" he asks, turning his attention to Earl.

"A black house cat," Earl says. "Named him midnight."

"You named-" he stops himself, fidgeting with his neon yellow tie.

He takes a deep breath before asking, "Type of witch?"

"Don't know," she says, shrugging her shoulders.

He looks at her, not believing a word she says. She smiles.

They don't speak much more as he leads them to the dorm.

He stops in-front of an old wooden door.

"Here," he says. "Your schedules will arrive tomorrow and a guide will come to show you around the school this evening."

He places two keys in her hand and then he's gone.

"What are we going to do?" she flirts. "With only the two of us alone in this small dorm?" She swings the keys around her finger while biting her lip.

The End. (For now)

January 30, 2024

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