Succubus & Angel Soulmates IX

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Lara runs her fingers through Azrael's hair and uses it to pull him closer. He just stands there for a moment, frozen before finally melting into her touch.

He pulls at her waist and hips greedily as she deepens the kiss. He lets out a small moan of pleasure, making her pull him even closer. She couldn't ignore how their body's fit together so perfectly.

She is so going to hell.

He pulls back for a moment to look into her eyes. "I-"

"Ah," she puts a finger to his lips. "Less talking, more touching," she glances down to his lips and swipes at them with her thumb, "and kissing," she adds.

She pulls his head back down and kisses him again. Not even trying to hide how desperate she was for more of him. She was pretty sure he sound feel how much she wanted him, all of him. He doesn't resist and lets her lead, guiding him in what to do.

He leans into her every touch, his hands sliding down a bit lower. From her waist, to her hips, down to her-

At that moment, she hears a gasp, then more and as she pulls away to see what was going on, she realizes everyone is looking at them. They were the reason for the gasping.

The reality of what she just did sinks in then.

She just kissed an angel, and he kissed her back. Twice. In a bar full of people.


She pushes Azrael away and runs.

She weaves between people as she goes. The man at the door hands her her coat as she runs past. She gratefully grabs it and swings open the door to get outside.

She stops, hands on her knees to catch her breath, and looks around.

Just to her luck, she finds Troy only a few feet away, making out with the bouncer.

As much as she wanted to ask about what happened to the mermaid princess, she needed to get out of there. It would wait.

"We need to go. Now," she yells at him and takes off full speed down the street.

"What?" he yells, confused. "Lara?"

After a few minutes of running, she ducks into a dark alley and, as Troy runs by, she yanks him in by the arm. He yelps and stumbles in, his long libs swinging wildly.

She covers his mouth to shut him up while she pulls out her phone to call for a cab.

He licks her hand. She pulls it back, disgusted, and glares at him as she gives the guy their address and hangs up.

"What the fuck Troy?" She wipes her hand on the leg of his pants and ignores the fake hurt on his face.

"I should be asking you that," he says, pulling his glasses down to get a better look at her. "What did you do? You're normally the good one-"

"I kissed Azrael in front of the whole bar," she blurts out and watches as Troy's jaw drops like a cartoon character. "-Twice."

He stands there like a statue for a few minutes until finally his lips slowly begin to turn upward into a wide grin-smirk.

She knew what that meant and wanted no part of his onslaught of jokes and questions.

"Anyway, what happened with that mermaid princess?" she asks before he can speak.

"There is no way I am going to let you change the subject after saying that."

"Yes, you are. If you want anymore out of me, you're going to have to fess up."

He stares at her for a minute, eyes squinted. It was obvious she wasn't backing down. After a good stare-down, he finally leans back against the wall, arms crossed.

"She had a boyfriend," is all he says. She mirrors his posture, leaning against the adjacent building.

"Did you flirt with said boyfriend?" she asks, raising a brow.

"Who do you think I am?" he scoffs, offended. "Of course I did."

She smiles a little bit at that. He was so dramatic for no reason.

"Turns out he wanted a threesome, and I told them I only do one at a time," he examines his short, not painted, nails.

"Since when?" she tries to hold back a laugh.

"Since today," he says, looking up at her. "Between the two of them, they would kill me." Even in the dark alley, she could make out the small smirk.

"Oh?" she leans in, interested. "Do tell."

"He's the King of the Pacific and they wanted to do it underwater," he says with a slight blush.

"Oh, okay. I see," she says.

"Yeah..." Troy trails off, looking out to the street.

"So, when did you schedule the deed?"

"Next Thursday," he says, turning back to her with a smile. "I'm going to need a few days to prepare."

She just nods, trying to hold back a laugh. He'll never change.

"So, I'm going to need you to run me through how I managed to miss out on probably one of the best things to ever happen in the history of the world."

"Dramatic much?"

"Always," he shrugs.

"Ugh," she groans. "Fine."

But before she can say more, the cab shows up.

To be continued...

April 3, 2024

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