Her Knight in a Shiny Leather Jacket

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Erin pulls her covers over her head and curls up in a ball.

She'd been excited at first that her mother had asked her to come home for dinner. That they had good news. She thought maybe her dad had finally found another job. How wrong she was.

Her mother's words rippled through her brain like some kind of sick, twisted echo. She wanted it to be a joke, but no, it was real and tomorrow it would be her life.

"We are going to take you to market tomorrow and sell you," her mother had said, a small smile on her face, her voice far too kind, loving and gentle for the words spoken and their meaning, their horrendous meaning. Her father and put a hand on her shoulder and smiled warmly.

The memory made her sick, bile rising in her throat.

They hadn't told her who they'd sell her to, but they didn't need to. Everyone knew the whore-houses paid the most. She hated the name, but that was what they were called. They didn't hide what they were.

How could her parents do this to her? They loved her, or at least they used to. When did this all go so wrong? What did she do to deserve this?

As a child, her parents would spend every moment they had free with her, taking her out to parks and playgrounds. They would dance around the house to some old CD's that barely played on her father's old car radio he ripped out before he sold it for scrap after it got totaled. 

She had hand-me-down toys from her cousins that she cherished because her parents would make up incredible stories for them and would play with her.

They never had much money, but that never stopped them from giving her everything she ever wanted, what every kid really wants, love and affection from their parents.

She was happy, and they seemed to be too. As she grew and entered middle school, they drifted apart a bit, but that was normal. They still had dinner together every night and played board games after. It was the highlight of her day.

But as she entered highschool, things began to change. They started eating out without her and asking her to make her own food. She didn't think much of it at first because her father had gotten a promotion at work and they were probably just excited to go out to eat. Maybe they couldn't afford for her to go with them or maybe they were trying to prepare her for the future when she eventually moved out and would have to do these things herself. So, she learned how to cook.

Then when she'd ask about playing board games together, they told her to get friends and do those things with them. The words were harsh, but she figured they were just trying to get her to be more independent and social. So, she started hanging out with her friend Dane more.

The house was always empty. It was so lonely, but when they were home, it was almost worse. Her parents ignored her unless they were in a bad mood, in which case they became violent with both their words and actions.

Then her father lost his job, and everything got so much worse. She found out that if she wasn't home, they would leave her alone, so she started having lots of sleepovers at Dane's house, but she still had to go home, and when she did, she would hide from them so they wouldn't know. 

She'd hide until they were gone or asleep and then enter the house. They felt like strangers to her. These weren't her parents anymore.

She hid it all from Dane the best she could, but he knew something was up. She knew he did, but she hadn't wanted to admit it. She had always been too embarrassed and ashamed to tell him.

She knew it was all her fault. It had to be. She wanted to hide it from him. She didn't want him to know the truth. That her own parents had come to hate her. She didn't want him to hate her, too. So she kept it to herself, but now she didn't have a choice. She had to tell him. She knew she wouldn't be able to make it through this night alone. She didn't know if she'd ever see him again. She had to at least tell him goodbye.

She pulls out her phone; the screen blinding her. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness under the blankets too quickly.

She hesitates for a moment over his contact name before pushing the call button and placing the phone to her ear.

She fidgets with the covers as the phone rings once, twice, three times-

"Erin?" he answers, half asleep. "What's up?"

All her strength and determination not to cry is gone the moment she hears his voice and she sobs.

"Erin? Erin? Are you okay? Erin?" she hears some rustling in the background. "I'm coming over. Where are you?"

She barely manages a "Home" between sobs.

"I'll be there as fast as I can. Are you safe?" he asks and when she doesn't answer, he yells. "Erin!"

"Ye-yes. For now," she squeaks.

"Shit," he curses under his breath. She hears a door slam over the call. "I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Bu-but it takes 30 to drive here-"

"Yeah, well, it's past midnight and this bike can go over 150-"

"Dane no-"

"I gotta go. I'll be there soon."

He hangs up, and now she's worried for another reason. Ever since he got that bike, she'd been worried, but then he taught her how to ride. It is too fun. Now she wants one too, but that's besides the point. That is way faster than anyone should be going.

She puts her hands together and prays he gets there safely.

To be continued...

April 16, 2024

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