Friends to Lovers

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She had loved him for a long time now and she was sick of waiting for their relationship to magically change from friends to more. So that morning, she woke up and decided that she would just tell him. She would tell him how she felt and hope that he felt the same, even if it was only a little bit, that he would want to give them a go as a couple.

She would do it. It can't be that hard right?


She was resolute the whole way over to his house, she was planning it out in her head as she knocked on the door. It was simple, just 3 words, and yet, the moment she saw him standing there, all tall, dark anf handsome, she couldn't tell him. At least not yet.

She had followed him inside, business as usual. He was wearing and old white T-shirt and a nice pair of jeans that hugged his large muscles nicely.

He had started working out a year ago and had gained a ridiculous amount of bulk in that time. She couldn't complain, not when it was exactly her type.

They walked up to his bedroom, his door still didn't hang right, he had to lift then turn the handle to go in. She chuckles to herself at the memory of him, 10 years old, trying to do a cartwheel and somehow flying sideways full speed into the door, knocking it off its hinges. Not one of his finest moments.

"When are you going to let that go?" He asks with a groan as he takes a seat in his chair.

"Never." She says, plopping down on his bed. He rolled his eyes and turned back twords his work on his desk.

She looked around his room, the walls were brightly colored shapes. He had a few things on the walls and a funky rug. It was odd but strangest of all, it was spotless. He was someone who liked his mind and room to be organized and clean.

His sheets were always washed and smelled of that fancy laundry softener than made her feel at home anytime she touches them. Much like him. He spelled of soap and conditioner because he showered at least once a day and didn't wear cologne. He didn't need it, he smelled fantastic.

She wished she could say the same for herself. While her room was plain as far as colorful walls, she made up for it with notes, random quotes and pictures taped, pinned, nailed whatever it took to get it on her walls.

She was also always making a mess. For the most part it was unintentional but occasionally she just didn't give a fuck. She also had a horrible habit of not showering for a few days, sometimes a week at a time. It really wasn't intentional. It was just that she would get busy and before she knew it, it had been a few days or week.

You'd think maybe from these descriptions that she was the creative, artsy one, and that he was more of the by the book, into science type guy but actually it was the opposite.

She was constantly learning, like a monster with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She studied every she could get her hands on and spoke a few languages.

Ray was the artist. He worked with any and all mediums. He wasn't picky. In fact, most of the time he would work with multiple on one piece. It was what made his artwork so unique and why he had been able to make some money from his art, even at his young age.

She watched him now as he built a small cottage in a very green forest. He was adding some metal pipes coming out from one area of the small house.

They talked, joked, teased and laughed about different things as she watched him work.

He listened to her explain all the new things she was learning, all the new discoveries she made and asked her questions. She liked that about him. When he asked a question she knew he genuinely cared about the answer.

She would ask him about his work and he would try to explain his vision to her. Most of the time he'd get frustrated and just say something like "you'll just have to wait and see what I mean."

Eventually the sun was setting and she knew she'd have to go soon. It was now or never.

But how would she bring it up? How would he react? She didn't want to loose a friend. Especially not Ray.

She was panicking now, trying not to show it.

Then an idea popped up onto her mind, just show him.


She walked over to him, slowly. He glanced up at her with a weird look before going back to his work.

She continued to walk closer until she was standing right beside him. She looked at him.

He was incredibly handsome. He had dark brown eyes and brown hair with a dark tan from all the time he spent sketching in the mornings. He was especially handsome when working on his art, his skin would glare and he would wear a light smile as he played with the ideas in his mind, trying desperately to bring them to life.

She reaches out, and cupped his face in her hands and kisses him.

At first he pushes her off, standing suddenly, causing his chair to slide back across the floor. He looked at her in shock and her worse nightmare had come true.

He stairs at her panting, she tried to turn away and leave but he stopped her.

He ran twords her and pulled her into him. She doesn't get the change to react before his lips and on hers. Her heart pounds because, he is kissing her.

She wraps her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He reacts immediately by pulling her impossibly closer.

The End.

February 15, 2024

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