Best Friends to Enemies to Arranged Marriage to Soulmates to Lovers II

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Amy woke the next morning still half naked on the floor. She groans as she tries to sit up from the cold floor.

After a minute of moaning, groaning, and complaints, she manages to stand up and turn off her alarm before her leg gives out on her.

The whole left side of her body was aching. She looks over at her soulmate mark. The flowers are slowly opening. "He must be waking up, too."

She sits there for a moment, watching the flowers slowly curl back up as if he was drifting back off.

"I'd really rather not know that," she mumbles as she tries to pick herself up off the floor again.

She groans. "This is going to be a long day if this pain keeps up."

Half an hour later she's looking in the mirror, half dead. She somehow managed to get changed and braid her long hair into two thick french braids that go all the way down her back, ending just above the ground. She'd inherited her hair from her grandmother and, like her grandmother, she refused to cut it.

Well, I've looked worse.

She grabs her work bag and leather jacket before heading out.

If this was so bad, she didn't want to know how painful the touch mark would end up being for Hugh. She smirks. Maybe she'd slap him, so he knows exactly who is causing him all that pain.

One soulmate gets the soulmate mark with initials. It is their job to find their soulmate and once they touch them, the soulmate will recieve a matching mark. From then on, they will permanently bond to eachother and recieve a gift from fate, a connection. There are common ones and more rare ones. Most of her friends could write things on their wrist and it would show up and their soulmates. One of her friends, Susan, though had a rarer connection, they could feel each other's pain, which sucked for her because he was a professional boxer. He jokes that he is one of the few men to understand the physical pain of being a woman.

She laughs at the thought. Those two were perfect for eachother in an opposites-attract sort of way.

She heads straight to the door to the apartment, but his voice stops her.

"Skipping breakfast again, aren't you bad?"

"Whatever," she says, rolling her eyes. "Don't eat too much or you'll add another mortal sin to your roster. Gluttony doesn't suit you, as well as pride and envy."

"You know this is all muscle, right?" he says, pulling up his shirt to reveal the bulk of muscle underneath.

She scoffs, turning away. "You just keep telling yourself that."

"Can't look at me for long, huh?" she can hear the smirk in his voice. "Could that perhaps be that I'm just a little too easy on the eyes?"

"Your blue eyes and blond hair can only do so much when your personality poisons you from the inside out." She glances back. "Also, your breath stinks." She crunches her nose, waving a hand in front of it.

He gives her a disgusted look. She laughs and turns back towards the door.

He grabs her by her bag and yanks her over to face him, but the bag is on her left shoulder. She lets out a shriek from the pain.

He instantly lets go, but before he can ask or notice anything, she's already out the apartment door.

She stands, holding the right side of her neck. She can feel the flowers bloom. Looks like that woke him up.

"God, that was a-whole-nother type of pain," her vision finally goes back to normal and realizes that in her frantic stumbling she made her way to the stairwell.

As much as she wants to stay here, or better yet, go back to bed, she knows she has to get going if she doesn't want to be late.


She still ends up being late. Her body was not cooperating with her. She said speed it said no. Like that bugs bunny meme.

She enters the cafe, and she must look as bad as she felt because everyone flocks to her.

Dennis grabs her hand, so gently. He was obviously worried about her, but it was her left hand.

She screams at the sudden blinding pain that shoots through her soulmate mark.

Another fun thing about soulmate marks, they punish you if you come in contact with any other people who have yet to bond with their soulmate.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry. What happened?" He asks.

"You look dead,"

"Is that a tattoo?"

"Why did you scream like that?"

"Can you give me some space, please?" she demands more than asks.

"Sorry." Michele was the nicest woman you'd ever meet. It just so happened that she looked like a Russian bodybuilder. She was 6'4 and incredibly muscular for someone who only works out only one day a week.

"Michele, I like the haircut." Michele's face brightens at Amy's words.

"You really like it? I thought it might be too much, but then I remembered you telling me to stop caring what others thought." Her voice was extremely high. She sounded like a pixy. It didn't suit her at all and yet also made perfect sense. Amy smiles.

"You have the perfect head to pull off a mohawk." Susan adds.

"Don't change the subject," Dennis says. "It might work on these two, but you're not fooling me."

"How about you forget about it just this once?"


"I got hit by a car," she lies easily.

"A car gave you that tattoo?" Dennis asks incredulously.

"The driver was a tattoo artist and felt bad, so he offered me a free tattoo of whatever I wanted." The lie falls from her lips far too easily. "Told me I couldn't go too big." She shrugs.

"It scares me at with such ease you lie," a familiar voice says from behind her. She rolls her eyes at him.

She doesn't turn to face him as she speaks. "Hey, Hugh. Nice to see you too."

"See, another lie."

She smirks. "You know me so well."

"I wish I didn't."

"So, what really happened?" Susan asks.

"I got my soulmate mark," she says, gesturing to the side of her neck. "It hurts like a bitch." She shrugs. "That's it."

"What do you mean, that's it?"

"What are his initials?" Michelle squeaks out in excitement.

"Do you know him?" Susan asks.

"Why are you sweating?" Dennis asks.

"I'm in pain. Unlike you guys, who barely felt your marks, mine felt like I was being burned alive," Amy says, emotionless.

"Why do always have to say things like that?" Michelle shivers.

"I do have a way with words," Amy smirks.

"Can you just not not describe it in such gory detail? It grosses me out."

"That was actually pretty tame, I left out-"

"Stop! Why are you like this?"

"Have you met me?" Amy says as at the same time Hugh asks "Have you met her?" Their eyes meet and they glare at eachother.

"Do you know who he is?" Susan asks.

"I wish I didn't."

To be continued...

March 7, 2024

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