Just Like Old Times

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She walks into the studio. It was lit with purple LED's and neon signs. It was a place she was used to being in and lately it was the only place she got to see Hwan.

He had been so busy lately, after one of his songs was picked up by one of the big four entertainment companies in Korea, he has been busy making and submitting songs to groups trying to get more picked up. A few big groups had been in talks about some of his songs.

She was so incredibly proud of him. He had gone for his dreams and succeeded but she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss him. Miss their late night drives and adventures.

She sat down, her bag of yarn lay beside her. She go comfortable on the couch near his desk and pulled out her crochet project.

She looked up at Hwan now, headphones on, nodding to the music as he hummed a melody. She couldn't help but smile.

This was their routine. She would come to his studio right after work and crochet, read or paint for a few hours. She would make them dinner and then leave deep into the night, sometimes if it was raining or snowing she would just stay the night.

His studio was actually just his small one bedroom apartment. She had helped convert his living and dining room space into the studio and actually had gone with him when he was shopping for apartments.

They had been friends for so long now that she couldn't imagine doing things without him. She knew she was getting too attached. She knew one day he would fall in love and that she would have to step aside and let her have all the time and memories but until then, she would enjoy every moment.

"Done," he yawns as he stretches in his chair. He turns back to face her. "Eunji, what do you say we go for an adventure just like old times?"

"Who are you and what have you done with Hwan?" she asks in disbelief.

"Hey," he says. "I know I've been busy lately but I'm still the same Hwan."

"Okay, lets go." she says. "But only if you promise not to talk about work while were gone."

"Deal," he says with a wide grin. His smile, all teeth and dimples always made her smile, no matter how bad she felt.

He stood up and grabbed her hand pulling her after him to the door. They quickly put on their shoes and ran out the door laughing.

She felt like she was back to the days when they were carefree, dumb and stupid.

He runs, pulling her after him down the old park by his house. He stops on the bridge and falls down to the ground, panting.

"You need to start working out again," she jokes. "We didn't even run that far and your out of breath-"

He pulls her down to the ground with him and she lands right on top of him. They both let out an oof.

"Maybe your the one that needs to work out," he jokes back.

"I'll let you know that most of this is muscle because I do work out a few times a week."

She laughs rolling off of him so she she's laying beside him on the bridge.

"You do?" he asks turning to her. "I thought you hated working out, when did you start?"

"About a year ago," she says. "I was having weird pain in my knee and my doctor recommended strengthening the muscles around my joints. I joined the gym by my work and started doing in the mornings before work. At first I hated it but after about a month I got obsessed with the how much stronger I was becoming. I ended up asking this coworker of mine that also workout at the same time as me to teach me how to get into lifting. I'm actually thinking of entering a bodybuilding competition next year."

"How did I not know about all that?" he asks.

"You were busy and I guess I just forgot to mention it when we talked."

He stares at her with an odd look on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?" she reaches up to check.

"I'm sorry," he says. "I've been so focused on my career that I've neglected our friendship."

"You promised you wouldn't talk about work," she rolls her eyes, changing the topic and standing up. "Look at the moon, its almost full."

"Eunji," he asks and she hums in response. "I love you."

She laughs, still turned away, leaning on the railing of the bridge. "That came out of nowhere, I love you too."

"Not like that," he says grabbing her hand gently making her look at him. "I've loved you for a while now."

"What are you saying Hwan?"

"I want to be more than friends," he says, looking down at their intertwined hands, he plays with her fingers.

"I-when did-what?" she stutters trying to take in this new information.

"I was trying to wait until I become a man worthy of you but I realized when you said you want to get into bodybuilding that maybe if I wait, I'll loose my chance."

"I hate that I've missed a whole part of your life because I was so busy trying to be someone you might want to be with one day. I'm sorry for being so selfish."

"I-this is so much to take in."

"I know its sudden," he says. "All I ask is that you consider it. Whatever you decide, I'll be okay with."

She looks at him, really looks at him. She had always wanted to stay beside him, she'd just never considered a romantic relationship. But now, knowing how he felt, she suddenly felt her heart skip a beat and her cheeks get red at the thought of his lips on hers.

"One date," she tells him. His gaze snaps up to meet hers, his smile making her heart pound. "We'll see how it goes. If it goes well, we can go on a second-"

He smiles impossibly wider and kisses her cheek before running off down the path screaming and jumping.

"Hwan?" she yells after him, laughing. "What are you doing?"

He runs back to her, attempting a cartwheel and horrible failing, landing flat on his back.

She laughs walking up to him. He smiles up at her from where he lays on the ground. She laughs. "I missed you Hwan."

The End.

February 27, 2024

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