Succubus & Angel Soulmates III

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Her friends stood around her, staring at her as if she was some sort of freak show attraction.

"Would you stop staring at me like that," she says, irritated. "I feel like you'll burn a hole right through me." After a minute of them not moving, she adds, "Seriously guys, you are not helping."

She coughs up some more petals.

She hears Isabella clear her throat.

"I'll go get you some water," Isabella says, trying to keep the worry from her voice. "I need to check on some stuff, anyway."

Lara nods with a grateful smile.

"I'll stay here and-" Troy tries to say but is cut off by Isabella.

"Oh, no you won't," Isabella says as she drags him off by the collar of his shirt. "There is no way I'm leaving you alone with her ever again."

Lara laughs at their silliness. Her laugh slowly devolves into a fit of coughing again. More petals, more blood. This isn't good, she thought.

She closes her eyes and tries to breathe, but all she can feel are the thorns from the flowers piercing her lungs as she tries to take a deep breath.

She coughs up another handful of petals, each one more painful from the last.

A deep bass voice speaks from next to her, making her jump.

"Are you okay?"

She practically falls off the seat from how high she jumps. She looks at the owner of the voice, her heart pounding out of her chest. She stares into the angel's worried eyes.

"I'll survive," she says finally, her voice more horse than ever. She rubs her throat.

He glances down at the petals on the bench and picks one up, examining it for a moment before looking back up at Lara, his brow creased in worry.

"I should rephrase that," she corrects herself. "I'll survive the day, hopefully." She jokes with a genuine laugh. For some reason, watching him, in that moment, she knew she'd made the right decision. That was the moment she came to peace with it.

"Here," he sets down the petal beside her as if it was something precious and not the thing killing her from the inside out. "Let me at least lesson the pain. " He reaches out his hand to take hers.

Her eyes widen as his hand approaches her own. She yanks away her hand and screams, "no!"

He pulls back his hand with a worried frown.

It makes her heart throb. It hurt her to see him like that.

"I mean, no thank you. I don't like being touched by people I don't know well," she says quickly to correct her outburst. That was close.

"You can trust me," he says with a small smile. "I'm an angel." He opens his wings to prove his point and flutters them a bit. It makes her laugh.

"It's okay," she says, sitting up on her elbows. "You don't need to worry about me. Go back to your friends and have fun. If you really feel bad, have some extra fun for me." She says with a wink.

He looks at her, sad, and then he quickly looks away. She watches as his golden skin turns a deep red. His face and ears and even his neck.

She looks down confused and realizes that she is only wearing a too-small bikini that leaves almost nothing to the imagination.

She tries to hide her giggles but fails. She made an angel blush. She was definitely going to hell.

"Lara, I got your water," Troy says, pridefully as if he was giving his parents an all A report card. So happy, not realizing he just fucked her over.

Right at that second, Azrael's eyes snap back to her, growing wide.

"Shit," she coughs again, worse than ever. Through coughs she says, "Troy. You. Are. The. Absolute. Worst."

"But all I did was get you water?" he asks, confused.

"Yeah, after almost drowning me. Give me that," she spits some blood out at him after she takes the glass from his hand.

He jumps back, shooting her a disgusted look.

"Did you just spit on me?" he asks in disbelief.

"Yes," she says. "You deserve a lot worse than that."

He pouts like a sad puppy. She rolls her eyes. That shit might work on his mom and girlfriends, but it definitely doesn't work on her.

Azrael is still staring at her like a statue, frozen in shock. A very handsome statue.

Was it bad to wish he just turned to stone? At least until after she was gone? Probably, but a girl could dream.

She chugs the water and stands up, hiding her exhaustion.

"All better now," she says, coughing up more petals. "Thanks for the water. I think I'll head home." She is already at the side gate before she finishes speaking. "Tell Isabella thank you for the party and that I'll return the bikini later. Bye."

She slams the gate closed behind her and runs as fast as she can, which is surprisingly fast in heels. She hears Troy yelling after her, but ignores him.

Her worst fear had come true. She just had to hope he would ignore the connection and the name.

To be continued...

March 28, 2024

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