Succubus & Angel Soulmates VI

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"How does this always happen?" Lara asked herself.

Her head pounding in rhythm to the music, a throbbing pulse. It was slightly muffled in the bathroom where she stood above her drunk friend.

She was holding Isabella's hair as she threw up in one stall. In the next stall over, she was pretty sure Troy was fucking his ex he'd ran into earlier.

"Troy?" Lara calls out.

"Yeah," it comes out as more of a moan. She cringes so hard she gags.

"Can you fucking not?" she snaps.

"Sorry," he says. "Already fucking am."

Lara rolls her eyes.

She wasn't drunk enough for this shit. Scratch that, she wasn't drunk at all. That was the problem. She was sober.

After a few minutes of having a mini-mental breakdown, Isabella seemed to finally stop being sick long enough to ask for more shots.

Troy and the ex didn't seem to be anywhere close to done, so she used her superhuman strength to carry her drunk friend out of the filthy bathroom bridal style.

"You're pretty," Isabella says, booping Lara's nose.

She ignores her as she heads to the bar.

She wants drinks? I'll give her plenty.

She sets her friend down next to her and flags down the bartender.

"I need 6 bottles of water, and a shot glass," she tells the bartender. He very obviously checks her out with his solid black eyes. He had bright cherry red skin that stretched over sharp features that almost looked like stone at some angles. Horns grew from his forehead at odd angles and the spikes on his arms were small but sharp. His nose was bent and twisted at odd angles. She could see why the women fawned over him.

He turned before teleporting off his long tail flicking as he does. A second later, he comes back with the water and a pink shot glass. He winks at her with a fanged smile. Why are mini-devils so obsessed with succubi?

If a mini-devil gave you anything pink, it was a confession. If she accepts the glass, it would be the equivalent of accepting a marriage proposal.

"Thanks," she tells him, "but a normal shot glass will do just fine."

He frowns but does as she asks and slides a clear shot glass her way before teleporting off.

She almost felt bad for him, almost.

She turns to her friend, who was passed out, drooling on the bar.

"Want a shot?"

"Yes, please." Isabella snaps up as if electrocuted.

She pours her friend a shot. Her friend watches intently, too drunk to notice it was water.

"You can only have one shot though," she warns her friend after she takes the shot, knowing that if she didn't, her friend would suspect something.

"Please," Isabella gives Lara her puppy dog eyes and Lara plays the part of giving in after a minute.

After they repeat this a few times, she lets her friend pour herself shots.

After a half hour and 6 bottles, her friend is finally sobering up.

"Is this water?" she asks. "Did you trick me?"

"Yes. Now, let's get you home."

"But we were supposed to have fun," Isabella complains.

"Trust me when I tell you, you had enough fun for the three of us."

She stops and looks around then.

"Where is Troy?"

"How much do you remember?"

"I remember a few margaritas and then a few blue shots-"

"So, basically nothing then." Lara gets another bottle of water and chugs it. "He ran into Amy on the dance floor."

"Oh?" Isabella moves closer to hear better, intrigued.

"We ran into them in the bathroom while you were ejecting your insides."

"Ran into-" she stops, her eyes widening. "He did not."

"He did," she says, then adds, "and is probably still doing."

Isabella cringes.

"At least you were too drunk to remember anything."

"I'm sorry," she says.

"It's not the first time," Lara says, brushing off her friend's apology. "At least it will be the last."

Her friend just frowns at her words, hearing the double meaning.

"Let's get you a cab. I think you're done for the night."

"Just call Max. He'll pick me up. He owes me."

"How about you call him?"

Isabella groans but lets Lara lead her outside to make the call. A few minutes later, Max, Isabella's brother, a tall, thin werewolf, shows up looking like he just came back from surfing.

She helps her still drunk friend into her brother's car. She watches them leave with a wave.

Troy pops out of nowhere and stands beside her, not even a hair out of place. She rolls her eyes.

"Really," Lara says, not looking at the man standing beside her, "Your ex?"

"She is very convincing," he says.

"She's a witch. She drugged you with a love potion in your drink."

"I know," he says. "That's why I didn't drink it."

"Then where did it go?" she turns to look at him, intrigued.

"You know that pig shifter that was all over me?" he asks.

Lara nods, already smiling at where this is going.

"I gave her the drink," he says. "Told her to throw it out,"

Lara bursts out laughing. "You know, she probably licked that thing from top to bottom."

Troy smirks. "Amy's going to have a new little friend."

Lara laughs harder but suddenly chokes, coughing up larger petals and much more blood than earlier.

Troy hides his worry much better than earlier and just pats her back.

After a few minutes, the coughing fit stops. He wipes the blood from her lip.

"I say we hit up the next club," Troy says, his tone light and filled with mischievous excitement.

"You got us kicked out again, didn't you?" she asks with a joking tone.

"Here's your coat," he says, producing her coat out of thin air.

She grateful accepts it and slips it on. He does the same, and she realizes they're wearing matching black fur coats.

She smiles. As children, they always used to match their clothes together. They were nicknamed the twins because of how similar they were, both in dress and personality, but as they grew, they became such different people. But even with how much they changed and grew apart in some ways, their love for fur coats never changed. In moments like this, she missed how close they used to be.

"Alright," she gives in, "let's go show them how to have a good time."

To be continued...

March 31, 2024

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