Witch & Familiar Mates IX

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"Sofia, I swear to God," Sofia hears as she answers the phone call.

"Don't say the Lord's name in vain," Katie scolds Abby.


"Oh thank God, Sofia, where were you? We were so worried." Katie says. Her voice was what Sofia imagined an angel might sound like.

"What happened to texting us as soon as you left?" Abby snaps. Her voice was gruff and bitter. She was like licorice candy. Some people love it, some hate it. She was also like cilantro. Some loved the flavor and add it to everything, some think it tastes like soap.

"You can't just leave suddenly without telling us anything," Katie's voice cracks and it breaks Sofia's heart.

"Yeah, I came home to your shit all over the floor, the lights left on and you were nowhere to be found." Abby all but growls out.

"I'm sorry-" Sofia tries to say, but Abby cuts her off.

"That's not good enough Sofia, I was scared."

The line goes silent for a moment after. It was bad. If Abby admitted to her feelings, it was bad. She really had scared them.

When she'd initially called, she thought she could lie to them, that she could just tell them something happened or that her grandmother from her father's side found her, but after leaving like that, she knew she had to be honest. She couldn't hide this from them, couldn't hide her true self from them.

"If I told you I fell through a portal disguised as a magical card from a grandmother I never knew until now-who turns out to be a witch-while I was getting ready for my date, would you believe me?"

A big sigh before a "Where are you?"

"Wyoming," she pulls the phone away from her ear, prepared for Abby's yelling.

"How the fuck-"


"Says the bitch who talks in innuendos." She was holding no punches today. Her words seem to shut Katie up.

Then after a moment, Abby speaks in realization "The bar trick."

"Turns out I'm a witch too."

"What the hell?" Abby sighs and whispers a sorry under her breath quickly after, probably to stop Katie from commenting on her word choice again.

"So, your grandmother is a witch, huh?" Katie asks, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," Sofia replies.

"I didn't realize you had a grandma," Katie says.

"Yeah, I found out today. Apparently, she only found out last week."

"When are you coming home?" Abby interrupts, ignoring the other conversation.

It was a simple question. A normal one even, but for some reason, it makes a tear fall from Sofia's face. Home.

Abby's family had been nice to her, treated her well, but she was never their daughter and that was okay with Sofia. They didn't need to, but Abby had always treated her just like a sister. Never cared about the lack of blood they shared. A few years later, they met Katie, who was the sweetest, most kindhearted, dirty-minded girl you'd ever meet. They were her family.

"I might transfer schools," she says, the weight of her words heavy in her voice. She didn't want to go, to leave her friends, but she had to. She knew she did.

"Why?" Katie asks, her voice shaky.

"Does it have anything to do with that stupid bar trick?" Abby asks, she sounds worn out, as if this conversation was weighting heavy on her. It hurt Sofia.

"Well, kind-of," Sofia says, trying to find the words to explain.

"Then tell us the school and we'll transfer with you." Abby says. "Katie is a solid 4.0 and I'm not too far behind. We should be able to get in just about anywhere."

"I'm sorry, but you can't," Sofia says.

"Why the hell not?"

"Language," Katie says with a snap. It makes Sofia flinch. She rarely got irritated enough to snap at anyone.

"Because you have to be a witch or a familiar." Sofia explains.

"Well, I'm familiar with you, were basically family."

"No, not like that." she sighs. "A familiar as in a person who can also shift into an animal and usual is paired with a witch."

"I can put on a fur suit like those fucking weirdos downstairs."

"I already have a familiar," she says without meaning to. She smacks her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide.

"Who?" her voice comes out quick and unassuming but hides a bite. Sofia sighs.

"Remember that guy from last night?"

"Sofia what the-"

"LANGUAGE!" Katie's voice was so loud it echoes through the small valley she stood in. Sofia stands there in shock. She never got that upset.

"Sorry, sorry." Abby says, her voice soft. "I'll be more careful."

"So, what about us? What about your stuff?" Katie asks, her voice back to almost normal, aside from the slight raspiness probably from her screaming.

"I will visit you on every break that I have," Sofia promises. "And I'll come get my stuff."

"Is it safe?" Abby asks, all concerned sister.

"I honestly don't know. What I do know is that if I don't go, it will be bad."

A cold wind begins to blow making Sofia smile. It felt nice.

"Okay," Abby finally says. She sighs. "I trust you, but please be careful. And tell pretty boy that if he hurts you or lets anyone else hurt you, I will hurt him."

"I think my grandma beat you too the threatening, but I will pass the message along."

"Pass this along too," Katie says, her voice all soft and sweet, "I will gladly go to hell to avenge you."

The line goes dead silent. She means that. As a devout christian who is saving herself for marriage and reads the bible in her free time, she means that.

"I'll pass that on too," she says awkwardly. "Thank you guys."

"Of course." Abby says, obviously not happy about the situation but supportive none the less.

"I will pray for you," Katie says. "also, don't go too crazy with your new boy toy." Sofia can picture the look on her face, all wiggly eyebrows and winks. She laughs at the thought.

"I've got to go now. Bye."

She hangs up the phone and looks up at the cloudy sky.

"It'll snow soon." She could feel it. How? she didn't know, but she welcomed it.

To be continued...

January 29, 2024

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