The Wizard Starweaver & His Apprentice VIII

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Jane rounds a corner and nerves begin to bubble up inside Jane as she sees the woman's house. The ring was light in her hand. She ran through what to say a few times in her head as she walked up the path to the door.

Abel had told her that this was a good opportunity to introduce herself as not only a wizard but as his apprentice. He told her that it was important she do this on her own. She understood why, but it didn't make it any easier. She really wished Abel had come with her.

She thought then of his warm hand is hers and imagined how it'd feel to lace her fingers with his. The strength she might feel if he was beside her in this moment.

She stops at the front door to the old white house. There were tulips painted around the molding of the door and windows in these beautiful spring colors. It reminded her of when her mother taught her to paint as a child. How her mother taught her different strokes, how to layer the paints from thicker at the bottom, to thinner at the top, and how to mix the colors to suit her imagination.

She takes a deep breath. She could only distract herself for so long.

She stands straight with her head up high and knocks on the door, and then instantly begins to panic.

She gulps and tries to steel herself. She could do this. The hardest part-doing the spell and finding the ring-was done. All she had to do now was introduce herself and give the lady the ring. Easy, right?

Jane hears some shuffling inside and takes one more deep breath, shifting her weight back and forth, from one foot to another.

The door handle turns and the door swings open. A tall, thin, black-haired woman with piercing green eyes in a nice dress and apron opens the door. She has a few bits of flour on her cheek and is wiping her hand with a washcloth.

"Hello," the woman says with a kind smile, tucking away the washcloth into the apron's pocket. "Can I help you with something?"

"Are you Mrs. Melody Rivers?" Jane asks, letting out a sigh of relief that she didn't stutter.

"Yes, I am," the lady replies, curious. "Who might you be?"

Jane desperately tries to remember what Abel had told her to say. He had made it sound so elegant and impressive. Her mind was blank for a solid 5 seconds before the lady's lips curved downward and Jane just decided to say something, anything.

"I'm the wizard Shadowdancer. Studying under the Wizard Starweaver." she manages to say, quite awkwardly.

The woman's eyes widen. Jane tries to smile, but her nerves make it hard. It probably looked more like a grimace.

Jane reaches out her hand, palm up. In it sits the dainty diamond ring.

"Is this your ring?" dumb question, of course it is, Jane curses at herself mentally facepalming.

The woman looks down at her hand where the small gold ring sits. She covers her mouth with her hand, her eyes filling with tears that quickly spill over and down her face. She chokes on a sob.

"I thought-I thought it was gone forever," she barely says, taking the ring and slipping back on her finger. She looks at it on her finger and smiles. "I can't believe you found it."

Jane smiles, unable to hide how incredibly happy it made her feel to have helped her. Suddenly, she didn't care how awkward she was. All that mattered was this moment.

The lady looks up at Jane, gratitude clear on her features. "How did you find it?"

"Magic," is all Jane says, her smile wide. She takes a step back from the door. "I should really be going now. Have a nice day."

She turns and runs off but stops at the sound of the woman's voice, turning back.

"Wait," the lady calls out after her. "How will I ever thank you?"

"Just remember my name," Jane says.

The lady looks at her dazed but nods.

"I will," she says. "Wizard Shadowdancer."

Jane runs off down the road to where Abel sits on a large rock. He is faced away from her, looking at a small meadow.

"I did it!" she says, running up to him. "She looked so happy. It was wonderful to be able to help someone like that."

"It is the best use of our abilities." Abel says, turning to her with a smile. He waves her to come over to him. "I made you something."

She steps up to the side of the large boulder he sat on. He reaches down with something in his hand and places it on her head.

She reaches up and pulls it off to look at it. It's a beautifully ornate flower crown. It had daisies, and some wildflowers woven together. It was beautiful.

"Thank you," she says genuinely, placing it back on her head.

"It's nothing, really. I just needed something to keep me busy while you were gone."

"Did you use a spell?" she asked.

"No need when I have two perfectly good working hands." he shows his hands, who at the tips are slightly tinted green. She smiles.

"Can you teach me how to make one?" she asks. She'd always wanted to learn, her neighbor often too busy and impatient to teach her.

"Another day," he says. "Today, we need to get back so you can practice your transmutation."

She saddens a bit at that. "Alright."

He hops down, and she almost swears he floats. He offers his hand. She takes it and a moment later, they are standing back in the sand circle surrounded by the giant pines.

"It's beautiful here," she says with a smile.

"It is," he agrees, releasing her hand.

"Now, practice for a while," he says. "I'll make us some dinner and come get you when it's ready. I might even make some chocolates."

"I love chocolate," she says with a smile. "I've only ever had it once, but it was delightful."

"Then I will definitely be making some," he says. "Now be careful. Please try not to burn down the forest while I'm gone."

"I will do my best."

To be continued...

April 13, 2024

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