Giving The Villain a Second Chance II

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She watched Eric now from where she stood behind a pillar. He walked around with a notebook, checking on all the details, trying to make sure everything was ready for the party tonight. His brother was off somewhere, probably welcoming the guests. She had been quite early, her excitement making her antsy.

She had always related to Eric. That was why she read the book so many times. That and he was described to be exactly her type. That helped.

When she was young, her life was wonderful. She was loved and happy with her mother. Until the day her mother died on her way home from work one snowy night. Christmas eve was supposed to be one of the best days of the year, and for most it was, but for her, Christmas would never be the same.

She had been sent to live with her father who hated her or rather, he hated her mother and because she looked so much like her, he took it out on her. He was extremely abusive in every way one could imagine. On the day of her tenth birthday, he overdosed and died. It was the best gift she could've asked for, and she did ask for it, a lot.

Her grandmother had taken her in after that and treated her kindly but she couldn't be the granddaughter her grandmother had known and loved when she was younger, not after all she had been through. Because of that, overtime it had worn a hole in their relationship. The day she turned 18, she came home to find her bags packed and a pouch of money on the table. She had known it was coming, but it still hurt.

She left the money on the table and never turned back.

She had worked as many jobs as she had to, which ended up being 5 part-time jobs. She lived on the streets for a few years until she was finally able to rent a room. She had worked hard and eventually climbed the latter at one of her jobs. She became so successful that she was eventually able to buy a house and live comfortably.

She had even fallen in love with a man who made her laugh, but after he moved in with her, he showed his true colors and one night, he just wouldn't stop. The last thing she remembered was the sound of her jaw breaking as he hit her again.

Their stories were similar, yet different. She had always thought, that between the two of them, she had it better and for some sick, twisted reason, that comforted her. Knowing she wasn't alone. Knowing that no matter how bad she had it, at least she wasn't in Eric's position. It may have just been a fictional story in a novel, but to her it was what inspired her to get those jobs when her grandmother kicked her out, what had motivated her to keep going when her past would haunt her life to the point of effecting her every moment.

She owed Eric a lot and had wished she could help him. She obviously never thought she'd actually have the chance. At least that was what she'd thought until the day she died and was suddenly transported into the world of this novel.

Isekai, a genre she didn't search out, but didn't mind reading occasionally.

She was put into the body of Eric's arranged fiance, Lena. In the original novel, Lena was in love with his older brother and thought Eric was too cold and constantly compared him to his brother, who was more popular and social able. But now, she was Lena and today was their first official meeting.

She looked back out at the room but couldn't find Eric anywhere. Where did he go?

"What are we looking at?" someone asked right into her ear. She jumps at the man's voice and turns to look at the person the voice belongs to, but trips. She feels an arm wrap around her waist and catch her before she falls.

"Careful now," he says.

She is finally able to look up at the man and when she does, her jaw drops in shock. Eric? She stares for only a moment before quickly righting herself and adjusting her gown so that she looks a bit less frazzled. She then bows, "Your highness."

"Have we met before?" he asks, staring at her as if trying to find something in her that might trigger a memory. "You seem familiar, somehow."

"I don't believe we have," she says. "I am your fiance Lena Forthwrite."

His eyes widen and he almost chokes. "Lena?"

"Yes," she says. " I hope you aren't too disappointed."

"Disappointed?" he looks her up and down in an analytical sort of way, as if calculating his opinion based on some silent criteria in his brain. "I don't think I could do better." He says honestly.

She feels a blush cover her cheeks as she giggles, a smile forming on her lips.

"How have I been so lucky?" he asks himself, more than her.

"I was just wondering the same thing." She replies anyway.

"The rumors don't scare you," he asks her.

She seethes at the mention of the absurd things people say about this incredible man. She doesn't quite know what to say, so instead, she takes his hand in her own to show him.

She looks up at him and while he doesn't show much emotion, he looks both grateful and perplexed by her. Hopefully, that's a good thing.

The guests have filled the hall during the time they were talking and it was now time for Eric and Lena to greet them all.

They walk into the hall, hand in hand, a smile on their faces. The room goes silent as their intertwined hands catch the attention of the nobility in the room.

"I have invited you here to officially announce my marriage to Ms. Lena Forthwrite." he announces.

To be continued...

February 20, 2024

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