Witch & Familiar Mates III

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Sofia woke to the warm morning sunlight falling over their naked bodies, still intertwined. She blinks the sleep away and looks up to-

"Why don't I know your name?" she whispers in wonder. His eyes squint, blinking, trying to wake up. She reaches up and caresses his face with her hand.

"Hey," his voice is deeper than yesterday, and it makes her grin.

"Hey, sleepy."

He smiles at her words and traces his fingers over the curve of her body. It makes her heart skip a beat.

"I realized, I don't know your name," she jokes. "Maybe it's time for a proper introduction."

He looks at her and laughs, "I was dreading that," he hides his face in her neck and kisses it lightly. She gasps.

"Dreading what exactly?" she somehow manages to ask.

"Your going to laugh," he groans.

His kisses that were just light, soft, gentle butterflies have become big, sloppy kisses and nips at her neck. She lets out a soft moan without meaning to.

"Earl," he mumbles into her neck between kisses.

"What was that?" she asks, still lost in his touch, in his kisses.

"Earl," he says a little louder, and this time she catches it. She pulls back in realization and looks at him.

"Your name is Earl?" she asks, sitting up on her arm to look down at him. She bites her lip to hold back a laugh.

"See, you want to laugh." He rolls over, so he's laying flat on his back, looking up at the sky that's still transitioning from night to day.

She clears her throat and moves so she's resting her head on his chest, looking up at him. He moves a hand, so it's resting on her waist, unconsciously rubbing small circles into her skin.

"I kind of like it," she says genuinely, which makes him look at her, "though it doesn't quite fit the whole bad boy esthetic."

"Good thing I don't care about that shit," he says, lifting her up and setting her back down so she is straddling him.

She kisses him. It was meant to be just a quick kiss, but he pulls her in, a siren's song. He deepens the kiss and for a moment, she's all but lost to the world, but she pulls back, determined to continue the conversation.

"What do you care about?" she asks, breathless.

"At the moment?" he asks to specify. She nods.

He holds her face in his hand, and she leans into it, closing her eyes.

"You," he says against her lips. Her eyes snap open as he kisses her. The kiss is so passionate, as if he's trying to prove just how truthful the statement was.


She was now running full speed to her English class. Her hair was loose and flying everywhere behind her, her makeup a smudged mess, her thigh high chunks not even fully zipped up, his jacket half-on and her dress wrinkled to shit. She was a mess, but the smile on her face wouldn't fall. How could it after him?

She arrived at the classroom just before class starts. She looks around for Abby, who held up her backpack with a smirk. She was shaking her head at the state of Sofia.

Sofia laughs at her roommate as she makes her way to her, ignoring the other students. Half of them were way too interested in her, some wondering who the new girl was. The other half most likely don't care and are too out of it to notice. Abby seemed to be the only one to recognize her.

"What is this?" Abby asks with a brow raised as Sofia takes her bag from her and sits down.

"What?" Sofia braids her hair as she waits for the professor to arrive.

"What do you mean what?" Abby grabs Sofia's arm to get her to turn and look at her. "We show up-"

"-Late-" Sofia clarifies.

"-and you're practically fucking a guy in front a club looking like this." she gestures up and down at what Sofia is wearing. "I didn't even know you owned clothes like this," she looks at her in shock.

"What? These old things?" Sofia was enjoying this far more than maybe she should be.

"Old things?" Abby asks, flabbergasted. "Who are you?"

"Same Sofia," she winks at her friend. "Just let out the animal out that I've kept locked up for a while."


"Oh, my god. Sofia, is that you? What the hell happened last night and-" Katie looks her up and down "What the hell are you wearing?"

Sofia ties off her braid and pulls out a makeup wipe from her bag, wiping off all the makeup from the night before. "Ya'll wanted me to get out, let loose and have fun, right?" she asks and they nod. "Then don't get mad when you were late that I did exactly that, just with somebody else."

"Sofia," Abby asks, her fingers pinching her nose-bridge. Before she can continue, Katie cuts in.

"So, how much fun did you have with that guy?" Katie asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"A lot of great, hot, fun," Sofia says as she zips up her boots, her glasses now on.

"Sofia, what the fuck?"

Sofia shrugs, and she pulls out her papers and readies her notes right as the teacher enters.

"I can't fucking believe you," Abby says. "Katie, are you seeing this? Look at her. She looks comfortable in those clothes."

"Shhh," Sofia glares at the girl. "I'm trying to learn."

Abby's face is just pure shock. While Katie laughs.

"Damn girl," Katie jokes, "and here I was thinking you were a good girl."

"Whatever," Sofia mumbles as she writes her notes, but they are all smiling by the end of the conversation.


After hounding Sofia for all the details of not only last night but of her past as a party girl, she finally managed to sneak away.

"I need a shower, bad," she says as she smells herself.

"Hello miss," Sofia turns on her heels, trying not to look like she'd just got caught sniffing herself and is faced with an old woman with a kind face. "Here."

She hands Sofia a rose and an envelope.

"For me?" Sofia asks confused.

"For my granddaughter," the older woman winks and snaps her fingers, a flame coming from her thumb. Sofia's eyes widen.

She looks down at the note for only a second, but by the time she looks back up, the woman-her grandmother is gone.

She's left all alone with a rose and a note:

My dearest granddaughter,

You do stink. Please take a shower. Everyone within a 5ft radius will be grateful. Thank you in advance.


Your Grandmother Laverne

To be continued...

January 23, 2024

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