Chapter 3

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When Kat wakes up, she smells waffles downstairs. She quickly follows the scent. She ends up in the kitchen where Matt is making waffles shirtless.

"Oh, sorry," she covers her eyes, "I'll come back later," but she bumps into a wall.

Matt laughs, "it's fine, Courtney is upstairs taking a shower," he goes back to the waffle iron, "she'll be back in a minute."

It takes Courtney about 15 minutes to come downstairs. She stumbles into the kitchen, Matt catches her.

"I told you, I'm not a morning person," she holds her head like she hit it somewhere. Knowing Courtney, she probably did.

Matt sets her down in a chair. He practically lifted her up. Kat couldn't help but stare at the rough outlines of his muscles, how tight they must feel around her. Kat quickly shakes her head, trying to get rid of the thought of hitting it off with her best friend's boyfriend.

"So Matt, when are you going to ask Courtney to marry you. I mean, it's been long enough. You guys have been dating for what, a million years."

"6 years," Courtney points out, she suddenly feels embarrassed, " I mean, not that I've kept track."

" Right, I've been meaning to talk to you," he takes the last waffle off the stove and goes over to Courtney. But, the phone rings

"I bet that's for me, " Kat jumps up from her chair to answer, "Hello."

"Hey, it's me, Damon. So, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me this Saturday?"

"uuuhhhh, yes of course I will. I-I wrote my address on your other hand remember," Kat stutters.

"Oh yeah, I see. So, would 7:00 be fine?"

" Yeah, 7 is perfect. See you then. Bye."

"Bye," Damon says hanging up the phone.

Kat Turns around, appalled.

"Was that who I think it was," Courtney has the same look as Kat, astonishment.

Kat nods.

Courtney screams inside trying to keep a little together.

"Wait, who was that," Matt asks, completely forgotten about.

"It was this guy named Damon Salvatore, from the club we went to last night after work," Kat says, with a little 'ooh look at me in her voice'.

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