Chapter 8

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"Spit it out Courtney," she yells,  growing frustrated.

"He killed someone," she cries aloud.

Kat's face is red with anger, if only I had stuck him with that knife when I thought he was a burglar. Kat thinks.

"It's fine, everything is fine," Kat ties to calm her down. But she really isn't sure if she's trying to calm Courtney or herself down. She was worried about what Matt had said about there being a surprise, not really a surprise actually, more like an undiscovered danger ahead.

" I have to forget about him, I have to Kat," they hug for about two minutes when they drive home. Courtney changes into her pajamas, wipes off her make-up, and gets into bed.

Kat decides to call Meg to tell her that Courtney needs a week off.

"Oh my god, are you serious. Matt was supposed to be the good guy. They were supposed to love each other," she exclaims.

"How could any of you not see the evil under all of that lovey dovey stuff. He murdered someone Meg. A woman, he was probably cheating on Courtney with that girl he killed."

"Kat, you just need to comfort her today. Don't come to work today. But tomorrow you come. There is going to be a rush tomorrow because of the band that is playing in the square."

"Okay," with that she hangs up. She presses the phone to her mouth, thinking. What should I do to help out Courtney? Should I be afraid of what is to come? How is Damon involved in all of this? What should I do right now? Should I call Damon and ask him? No that would be too forward. I should just try to figure it out on my own, see what I find.

She decides to take one step at a time. First, make tea for Courtney. She loves tea. She carefully takes a tray of tea and her slices of lemon.

Kat walks into Courtney's room, she's done crying, and she's cleaned herself up. 

"Hey, how ya doin'," Kat asks, setting the tray on the edge of the bed and laying next to Courtney.

"I'm fine, now that you brought me my fave tea," she reaches over and grabs one of the two mugs and a lemon slice. "I love you Kat, you're like my big sister."

"Aww, I love you too Courtney."

They sit and watch Ridiculousness for 2 hours. At one point, tea come out of Kat's nose and Courtney can't stop laughing. It's like she's already forgotten about Matt. Until the show goes off.

"Matt and I used to laugh together," she moans, but she doesn't cry, which Kat is thankful for.

She's about to say something, when her phone rings. The caller ID is unknown. She answers anyway.


"Yes, is this Katerina Petrova," says a male voice, he sounds German.

"Yes, may I ask who this is?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I am part of the resistance. You have been caught with a vampire, therefore you have been sentenced to eternal damnation," the voice says without emotion.

"Is this a joke or something. Vampires aren't real."

"The Resistance doesn't joke Mrs. Petrova. You will be collected on April 3 of this year."

Kat starts to panic, "Please no, I-I can't be damned for eternity, I don't even really know if you're telling the truth and pulling my string," she gets up and starts pacing with the phone to her ear.

"Well, I guess you'll see soon enough," then he hangs up.

Kat looks at her phone in horror. Did that really just happen. This must've been what Matt was talking about. Of course it was. 

"What's going on Kat," Courtney asks with worry in her eyes.

"I think- I think I'm going to die on April 3."

"But that's your birthday," Courtney yells.

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