Chapter 7

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"Matt is in jail," she seems to whisper.

"Oh my god," Kat tries to says mournfully, but she isn't surprised.

Courtney just runs upstairs to her room.

"Don't you wanna go comfort your friend," he asks, raising an eyebrow in question.

"She just needs some room to breathe and let it out. And I'm not all that surprised he was thrown in jail either. I never did like him."

Damon chuckles, "what did he ever do to you?"

"I just don't like him at all," she frowns.

"So, you didn't like him just 'cause," he smirks. Which makes Kat loose her balance and her breath.

"Does there really have to be a reason to not like someone?"

"I honestly don't think so, but I didn't know you could be so," he breathes in through his teeth, "vicious."

She smiles at his comment, "thank you, you're not so nice yourself," she playfully punches him in the arm.

"Anyway I should go," he bites his lip.

"I'll walk you out," they both get up and head to the door. Outside, the limo is still there, but there is a new driver.  She chooses not speculate. "So...," she trails off.

"Do you promise not to faint again if I kiss you," he looks at her with an amused look.

She scoffs, "no, but-"

He interrupts her with a strong but soft kiss. He cups her face with his strong hands, drawing her deeper into the heated kiss. She pulls away to catch her breath. She had never been kissed like that,  it was just like when he kissed her last night, too. Damon is the only guy who has ever kissed her like that. That strong hold on her lips, soft touches like he was afraid to break her, and the affect he had on her. She felt woozy, like he drained all the power out of her.

"You'll get used to it,"is all he said before he gets into his limo and leaves. Did he mean they were together now, that she would be seeing more of him? Kat touches her lips. She can still feel his lips on hers. And the way he tastes, oh my god, this metallic taste that had her licking her lips. She really wanted to kiss him again, just for that taste. She goes inside and closes the door. She slides down, to where she is sitting against the door. Then she remembers Courtney and how sad she is. Then she has a great idea.

She barges into her room. "Don't you ever knock," is the only thing that escapes her lips. She seems to be done crying. Kat goes over to sit on her perfectly made bed. The white bed spread Matt said she should get because of how much of an angel she was, and still is.

"Funny how I ask you the same thing almost everyday," Kat says, pretending to think for a while.

"So what do you want. Did you just come here to say ' I told you so', because you were right. He is a bad guy Kat, and you tried to warn me," Courtney then gives her a tight hug, she starts back to sobbing like a little baby. Kat never liked hearing her cry, she always reminded her of a puppy being abused.

"Please stop crying Courtney, you cry like a beaten puppy," Kat squirms away from her.

Courtney then wipes away her tears, "you're totally right, he's just a guy, no need in crying over a human being ri-"

"No," Kat interrupts her, "don't be like me, I'm me. You be you. We are going to go see him in jail, okay," Kat jumps off her bed and begins to walk out of her room, "put some close on will ya." She closes the door.

Kat runs to her room. She was going to go over to whatever the jail place thingie was called and use this as an opportunity to finally express how she feels about him. Not the good type of feeling either.

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