Chapter 18

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Damon pulls up in front of Kat's apartment. She looks at their apartment window. The lights are on and Courtney is pacing back in forth by the window. She's afraid of what she might be walking into. Damon sees too.

"You sure you wanna go up there," he holds her hand.

She turns to look at him, "yeah, I can't leave Courtney alone for more than 2 days."

He breaths in, "alright. I see you later," he gives her a longing kiss. Kat pulls away and steps out of the car. But  before she closes the door she says something else.

"Try not to stare at my ass," she smirks.

"I won't make any promises," he laughs.

With that, she closes the door and walks up the stairs. When she opens the door, there are boxes everywhere.

"Courtney, what's going on," she asks when she sees her walk in with a box that says 'bedroom'.

She drops the box on the ground, then turns to look at Kat, "I'm moving out," she says bluntly. She walks upstairs to her room.

Kat follows her. "Why?"

"Because, there's nothing here for me anymore," she says while putting her books into a box.

"Did you forget about me," Kat takes the book away from her.

"No, I didn't. But, you have Damon," she takes it back.

"Is this about me spending so much time with Damon?"

"No, it's about your hypocrisy. You ran away from home because of a guy, but you won't let me do the same," she says calmly.

"Why do you keep bringing that up, you don't have the facts Courtney! You know, I wish you'd just stay out of my business sometimes!"

"Okay, if that's not what happened, tell me the truth, why did you run away from your family," she crosses her arms.

"No, you don't deserve to know anymore," she starts to walk away, but, Courtney's hand stops her.

"Tell me," she says in a serious voice.

She speaks without looking at her, "my dad started beating me on my 9th birthday. My mom didn't do anything, until she helped me run away. That's why the police never came looking for me."

Kat hears Courtney gasp. "I'm sorry Kat, I-I didn't know."

"Doesn't matter anymore Courtney, you're leaving, we're not best friends anymore, and I hope you have a good life," she goes into her room and slams the door. She never wants to see Courtney again. How can she do something this extreme. Moving out because of something Kat is so stupid.

Kat takes a 10 minute shower. When she gets out, she hurries up to dry her hair. She really loves her straight hair now. She puts on underwear and red shorts that look a little little like spanks, black t-shirt, she put her hair in a ponytail. When she's done, she lays on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Everything is happening so fast. Damon telling Kat he's a vampire, her getting in danger with werewolves, being tortured almost to death, and Courtney moving out. She lets out a breath.

"You know, I could always kill her for you," says a voice at the door. It's definitely not Damon.

She shoots up. It's Tyler Lockwood.

"What do you want?"

"I'd be a little more generous to the person who could kill you just by laying a finger on you," he sits on her bed. He notices how she doesn't cringe on back away. "Why aren't you afraid of me?"

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