Chapter 24

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Kat lays on Damon's bed, just staring at the ceiling, not really thinking of anything but just laying there. She lets out a long breath and covers her face with her hands. Everything seems so cloudy, confusing. Maybe what she needs to do is get off her ass and start making sense of things. She stands up and walks over to the window.

Damon is a vampire. Her family is made up of wolves. Tyler is a werewolf who won't leave her alone, but he seems to be showing less of himself now, so that may be good. Damon's friends are vampires, except Bonnie, Klaus, and Alaric. Alaric is actually a vampire hunter, but that's for another time. Bonnie is a witch and Klaus is a hybrid. So, the short story Bonnie had told her made it seem like Klaus and Damon are very bad people, but that may be for another time also. What she needs to worry about right now is why Tyler is being distant and what he and her father are planning.

She furrows her eyebrows. Everything seems a lot clearer, now that she has shut her brain up. So she needs to find out what her father and Tyler are planning.

"What are you thinking about so hard," Damon asks, falling on the bed.

"Just about what's going and how to put a stop to it," she leans against the huge window.

"Have any ideas," he asks.

"None so far," she looks at the trees as they sway in the wind and the healthy green grass. She notices a hand made swing. "Who made that swing out there," she asks.

"I dis, when I was little. I wanted to get rid of it, but Stefan insisted on keeping it there," he says. Looking out the window from the bed.

"Why did you want to get rid of it," she asks, "it looks so perfect."

"Well, it brings back too many memories, like my Father and how Stefan killed him," it takes everything he has to keep from yelling it at her. She notices and looks over at him.

"Have you ever taken anger management classes," she asks with a smile.

He laughs, "yes, believe it or not, I have. It was a very long time ago though," he sighs.

"How long ago," she squints her eyes in curiosity.

He thinks for a moment, "it could've been about five years ago, I can't remember," he shakes his head.

"Well you don't seem to be happy," she notes.

"I am happy, with you," he says.

She blushes and looks down at her feet. Her hair creates a curtain, covering her red cheeks.

He chuckles, then gets serious, "what did Bonnie come up here to talk to you about," he asks, sitting up.

She lifts her head up, "uh, she told me Alaric's story..." She trails off.

"Ric's story," he nods, then realization hits him, "so she told you what I did to his wife."

"Yeah, she also told me that I should try to get to know someone before I hate them forever," she looks back out the window.

"So, you'll give Ric a chance," he asks, hope in his voice.

She hesitates, "yeah, I-" but before she can finish her sentence, he hugs her tight.

"Good, because he was really starting to get on my nerves about how you're not my type and how you are so dramatic and clueless," he says.

"Did he say all of thise things," she asks between her teeth.

"Yeah, buy they're not true," he says in her hair, "I love you and that's all that matters."

She laughs when he starts kissing her neck. He puts his hands on her waist and spins her around. He sets her down on the bed and laughs.

"You're a handful," she laughs with him.

"But you love it," he says, then kisses her on the cheek.

"Yeah, I do," she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Okay," he takes her hand and lifts her off the bed, "Stefan made you dinner," he says, then leads her downstairs to the dinning room.

There is a plate of broccilli, kale, and cucumbers sitting on the tables. She walks over to Stefan and hugs him, "thank you Stefan, I really needed this dinner," she says, then lets go to sit in front of the plate. They both sit next to her, Stefan on the left and Damon on the right.

She puts a cucumber slice in her mouth. "How can you wat that," Damon asks.

She shrugs, "I don't know, it just tastes good I guess."

"Well, at least you're eating something," Damon says.

"I eat, just not as much as you," she says.

He chuckles as she continues to eat. When she's done, they both go to the living room and Stefan goes off somewhere.

They're both sitting on the couch doing nothing, just enjoying each other's company. She's in his lap and he's playing in her hair.

"Damon," she asks.

"Yeah babe," he stops playing in her hair and turns her around to face him.

"Have you ever turned someone into a vampire," she asks, not looking up into his eyes.

"Yeah, hundreds of people. Mostly on accident and some on purpose, but they all became too much to bear, so I had to kill them," he says truthfully.

"Oh," she nods, "then, if you were to turn me into a vampire-" she starts, but he stops her.

"Don't talk like that, you will not become a vampire," he says sternly, "I will not let that happen."

She frowns, "okay," is all she says, not wanting to start a fight again.

"Good," he says, then kisses her forehead.

She sighs and looks down at her fidgeting hands. Then, about a minute later, she falls asleep in his lap.

"Night gorgeous," he whispers in her ear and kisses her cheek.

He lifts her up and carries her up to his room and lays her on the bed. He lays next to her, warpping his arms around her waist gently.

"I love you," he says and falls asleep next to her.

The perfect couple.

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A/N: I may be ending he story soon and make a sequel 'cause I'm not sure I know what I'm doing anymore. Don't hate, I know this story sucks. Oh, follow me please.

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