Chapter 11

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When Kat and Courtney walk into their job work place, Meg looks shocked and angry.

"Courtney, what are you doing here," she yells furiously, "you're supposed to be recovering!"

"I didn't break any bones or get sick or anything like that Meg, all I did was break up with Matt. That is all," she goes into the employee lounge to set her stuff down and makes herself some more coffee. Courtney thinks that if she drinks more coffee the hot goodness will make her forget about Matt for just a little while. She tries not to show the sadness on her face 'cause she is tired of people thinking she's so weak.

"Courtney, come on, he murdered someone and you're acting like this happens everyday," Meg goes over to comfort her. But Courtney pushes her away.

"No Meg," Courtney doesn't want to hold in her feelings anymore, "I am tired of being the weak one all the time. I want to cry, but I don't want to be weak. I want Matt back, but after what he did, I don't think I'll ever trust him again, let alone see him again. I feel like there is no other way out of all my weaknesses, 'cause I have so many. Everyone knows where to hurt me. Matt knew where to hurt me from being together for so long," a tear falls from her face.

"Courtney, I'm so-

"No Kat. You had everything. But you decided to give it all up because Chuck hurt you. Your family loved you, but you threw their love away like it didn't even matter, all because of one boy," she shakes her head in disgust.

"Courtney, you're taking this too far," Meg puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Really Meg," she scoffs, "I am taking it too far. Think about what happened last year when Kat was dating that European guy. You stole her lipstick just so you could wear it on the date you were going on, with her boyfriend. Just because you thought she broke that mug your mother gave to you," she raises her voice, "well guess what, it was me, the whole time."

Meg gives Kat an apologetic smile. Kat shoots an it's okay smile back.

"You know what," Courtney lowers her voice, "I can't do this anymore. I quit!" She storms out of the store, in a wave of hurt and anger. Kat tries to go after her, but Meg stops her.

"Let her cool down."

Kat nods in understanding. So, the day continues as a normal work day. Kat works at the register all day while Meg tries to find a new employee. Kat hopes everything will be fine at home. She hopes that when Courtney said 'I quit ' she didn't mean their friendship was over.

Where was a girl's boyfriend when she needed him. Or in this case, vampire boyfriend.


When Kat gets home, she throws her bag on the foyer table and yanks her heels off and throws them on the couch. She trudges off to her room, tired from work. All she wants to do is lay down for a minute.

She finally gets to her room and plops down dramatically on the bed and lets out a big gust of air. As soon as she is about to fall into a deep slumber, someone speaks.

"Long day huh?"

She looks over to the door to see Damon.

"Don't you ever knock," she rests her head on her hand and her elbow on the bed.

"I thought you liked it when I showed up unexpectedly," he wlks over to her and sits on the bed, leaning his head back on the pillows.

She goes over and lays on top of him, her hands resting on his chest. "I was just kidding. I love it when you do that," she then kisses him slowly on the jaw.

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