Chapter 21

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When Kat and Damon are done in Hollywood, he takes her home.

"I'll come by later if you want," he says, kissing her on the cheek.

"Can't you just stay," she asks, putting her hands on his chest.

"Stefan needs my help," he holds her wrists, "but I promise I'll come over later when I'm done," he kisses her lingeringly on the lips. He pulls away and walks down the steps.

She leans on the door frame as he speeds off.

"Have a nice night," says her neighbor Whitney. She blond, has a tan, and she's a whore. Guys walk in and out everyday.

"Yeah," Kat says, hoping she didn't see him speed away like that.

"You know, I saw that guy come through your window lat night," Whitney says, putting her hands on her hips.

"Your point is," Kat asks impatiently.

"I'll tell whoever that was that you're cheating on him. Maybe he'll come running to me," she smiles.

"Dude, he doesn't even know you," Kat laughs a little, "and, whatever it is that you're wearing, I don't think he'll want to know you."

"You say that now," Whitney says.

"You can do whatever you want Whitney, I don't care," Kat walks inside.

She goes into the kitchen to fix herself dinner, but, there is Chinese food on the table.

"Thought you wouldn't want to eat alone," someone says from the corner of the room.

"Hey Tyler," she purses her lips together, "why are you here?"

"To talk," they both sit down at the table across from  each other.

"Oh, lets talk about how hot I am," she smiles.

"I've seen better."

She looses her smile immediately. "Who?"

"Caroline Forbes," he opens a container of shrimp fried rice.

"She's not as hot as me, maybe a 7, but not an 11 like me," she says smugly, twirling her hair.

He laughs, "sure."

"What do you mean sure, there is nothing else to it. I'm simply gorgeous."

"You are so self absorbed," he puts a  piece of shrimp in his mouth.

"And you're an idiot."

"You're vain, malicious, and a bitch."

"Okay, I'll take bitch and vain, but I am not malicious," she opens up a box of white rice.

"Well, I'm not sorry, 'cause it's true."

"Yeah, whatever," they eat their food.

"Why are you with Damon Salvatore," he asks out of the blue.

"I don't know, he's just so amazing, honest, and-"

"I don't wanna know how good he is in bed," he interrupts.

"I was going to say better than you," she raises her eyebrows.

"If he's so honest, did he tell you that your whole entire family are werewolves?"

"Yes he did."

"Did he tell you why your father beat you as a child?"

"How did you know that?"

"You'd be surprised, now, answer my question."

"Answer my question first," she says.

"Alright, I know your father, he's in my pack. It was his idea for me to torture you. Now answer my question."

"No, he said it would be too much for me," she frowns, "tell me why he hit me."

"Well, on your 9th birthday, he went to a seer to find out your future. She said you would fall in love with a vampire and become one instead of who you were really supposed to become. He hated you for that," he sits back in his chair, like it's no big deal.

"Wow, that makes no sense," she shakes her head smiling.

"I'm guessing he's still angry about that," he points at the slap mark on her cheek.

She had forgotten that it was there the whole time. She touches it gently, it doesn't sting as bad as before, "yeah, I guess so."

He looks at his watch, "I better get out of here," he says, standing up.

"Yeah, you better," she mumbles under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Get out of my life you monster," she shouts.

He laughs and walks out the front door.

She outs the leftovers in the fridge and goes upstairs to her room.

She takes a shower, washing the long experience of travel out of her hair. When she's done, she gets out and gets dressed in red leggings and a blue spaghetti strap t-shirt. She puts her hair in a ponytail and plops down on the bed.

She feels someone lay down next to her. She turns her head to see who it is.

It's Damon.

"Hey," she smiles.

"Hey," he says back.

She rolls over on his chest, "you should sleep over," she says, biting her lip.

"Really, why," he smirks.

"I don't know, so we could do...stuff," she looks down at his lips.

"What kind of stuff?"

"You shouldn't asks so many question," she crashes her lips onto his. He kisses back with hunger. Their tongues fight for dominance as Kat tugs at his shirt. He stops to take off his shirt and starts kissing her neck. He moves back up to her lips, kissing them tenderly and passionately. Then, before she even knows it, he rips her shirt off, tearing her pants along with it.

"I really liked that shirt," she says between kisses.

"I hated it," he says, smiling.

The night goes on with caressing, kissing, moaning, and groaning. Somewhere in there, Damon's pants get taken off.


A/N: Sorry, I can't do s#x scenes. I have One Direction posters all over my room and I'm afraid it'll be all weird and awkward. Once again, I am sorry, I am so weird and stupid for thinking that. I don't even get dressed in my room anymore because I think they can actually see me.

Don't forget to follow me. I understand if you don't because of what I just wrote up there^^

At least read the story and comment. You guys can tell me what you want me to write about next, I'll do One Direction Imagines with your name in it and your choice member. I even specially dedicate it to you.

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