Chapter 25

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Damon wakes to loud banging downstairs, so he hops out of bed and speeds down the stairs. There in the living room are a bunch of werewolves standing around Stefan, who is chained to a chair. They all turn around and see Damon.

Anger is pouring out of him.

"Stefan, how in the hell did they get in the house," he asks, annoyed and angry.

"Well, you know, they just broke down the door and chained me to this chair," Stefan says, his voice strained while his wounds heal.

"Why are you all here," Damon asks the four wolves.

"We came for the girl," says the big bronze one, "Tyler and her Father want her, and I don't think some vampire is gonna stop us from getting her."

Damon just chuckles and lunges at the smallest wolf, his blood going everywhere.

"I don't this vampire is taking any of your shit," he says, then lunges at another, leaving the big bronze guy and a tall skinny looking one with curly hair.

He speeds behind the tall one and bites his head off, then turns around to look at the big one. "Anything else you wanted to tell me before I kill you?"

He just shakes his head, then disappears, like he was never there.

Instead of staring, he goes I've to Stefan to rip his chains.

He falls to the ground, on his back, with a loud thud.

"You could've at least fought them," Damon says.

"Sorry I was too busy chained to a chair," he says through his teeth, trying to get the wooden vervain stake out of his stomach.

"What's going on," say Kat, walking down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Nothing," Damon vampire speeds over to her, putting his hands on her waist, "just a small mishap."

"Oh," she says, her eyes half closed.

"Small, I'd hardly say small," Stefan says from his spot on the ground.

"Shut up," Damon yells to him.

"What's he talking about Damon," she asks.

"Nothing," he shakes his head, "you should go back upstairs, while we clean up this...mess," he says, trying to get her back up the stairs.

"What mess," she ask, then looks over the banister at the three dead bodies. Though it doesn't phase her, "when did these get here," she asks.

"However long it takes to chain Stefan up and stick a stake in his stomach," he answers, "now, you should get back upstairs."

"Why do I have to go upstairs," she whines.

"Because of the three dead werewolves on my living room floor," he says.

"But, I could just sit in the living room and close my eyes. Anyway, if I go up there alone, they might come through the window and take me away," she says.

He thinks for a minute. "Fine," he says, then walks down the stairs.

She follows him into the living room, but sits on the couch with her legs crossed on the couch.

He picks up a dead body and walks out the back door. When he comes back, he takes another body and leaves.

"Stefan, are you alright," she asks, a little concern in her voice.

"Yup, I'll be fine when the vervain leaves my system," he says.

Damon comes back and takes another body.

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