Chapter 14

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"Aw. That's cute. My older brother in love with a human," Stefan smiles sarcastically.

"What happened to Elena, Stefan," Damon smiles and Stefan frowns.

"She's gone Damon, you know that. Why do you even have to bring it up," he says sadness creeping up in his voice.

"Because I love to hear the sadness in your voice. My mission in life is to make you miserable," Damon says, desperately trying to hold back anger.

"That's nice Damon, but, even though you're an ass, I am still committed to helping you. You need my help, and you know it deep down," he then walks out to his room. His room is the same way he left it. Neat, even though his bed is messed up, just the way he left it when he was in such a haste to see Elena. She was turned into a vampire. Damon had forced her to flip the switch on her emotions. She went crazy, killing men and women for pleasure. The wolves had had enough of her killing off their packs. Stefan has been waiting for the right time to kill Tyler Lockwood. Her executioner.

He falls onto his unmade ancient bed with relief of being back home. Done searching for Tyler. The situation that Damon is in might just bring Tyler to him.


                                              Meanwhile, at Kat's job

Later, at closing time, Meg sticks Kat with closing up.

"Ugh, really," she complains.

"Yes, really," she then leaves with a stack of paperwork.

So, Kat shuts off all the lights and closes the door. She suddenly stops, she thought she saw a man, but decided it was her shadow. I really need to work out more. She thinks. She leaves out the door, locking it before officially leaving.

She turns around to see Tyler. He's so close she can feel his warm breath in her face. She smells this weird smell that she  could've sworn was raw meat.

"What are you doing Tyler," she asks, uncomfortable from so much of her personal space he's taking up.

"You are very beautiful," he twists a strand of her dark brown wavy hair between his index finger and thumb.

"I know I'm beautiful, but I just want you to get out of my personal space," she smiles sarcastically.

He chuckles, "you've got guts, no wonder Damon shows such an interest in you," he moves closer.

She puts  her hands on his chest and pushes him back, "that's nice, now I'm  going home," she starts toward her car.

He stops her, grabbing her by the wrist, "no, you're coming with me," he smiles an evil grin.

"I really think you should stop Tyler," she twists her wrist out of his grip, walking to her car. She finally reaches it, when two pairs of hands grab her from behind. There's a sharp pain in her neck. It feels like a needle. Everything is so blurry, her eyes suddenly feel heavy, finally closing. She's afraid they'll never open again.

Until they actually do.

She finds herself tied up in a metal chain. More like chained up. There's some sort of silk like material covering her mouth, even though she's way to tired to scream or try to escape. Two men enter the room. They are really big, but scarred up pretty badly. Kat isn't really scared about what'll happen to her, she thinks she can take these guys. Even though deep down inside, her head istelling her to scream like Carmen Electra in Scary Movie. But, she wants to keep it together.

"Huh, she's a looker ain't she Conner," asks the big brawn one. Conner is lighter and has curly hair. He sort of looks like Dyson from Lost girl. He actually looks really cute. Kat can't believe she's thinking about how cute one of her captors look. She chained up to a freaking chair for Christ's sakes!

The big brawn one snatches the material off her mouth. She breathes in, taking in the rest of her surroundings.

"What do you want with me," she asks in annoyance.

"Why would we tell you, it's none of your concern," he sneers.

"Seeing as how I'm chained up to an electric chair, I wanna know if I'm gonna die tonight or not," she smiles, "you're not very bright are you?"

"You've got some balls young lady," says Conner.

"I know, but, could someone please tell me what's going on here?"

"I'm sorry, but we can't share that information with you," he tries to hold back Mr. No Brains.

"What if I have to go pee, then what are you going to do," she asks, trying to annoy the heck out of them.

"You can piss yourself," sneers Mr. No Brains.

Kat sighs. Really not wanting to be here.

After two minutes, Tyler comes on with a case.

"Oooh, is that for me," she asks smiling.

"Why yes it is Katerina," he smiles back at her.

When he opens the case full of knives and sharp, no doubt, painful objects, she feels scared, trapped, and, obviously, in danger of her life. Her confidence or cockiness in gone, like it was never there.

"Now," he picks up a single knife with an ancient insciption on it, "I'm gonna torture your ass unntil you agree to join us. So, will you join us?"

"Never," he stabs her thigh without hesitation.

She lets out a groan, desperately trying not to scream and show weakness, "is that the best you got?"

"No, not really," he goes back over to the case and pulls out a bigger knife. Big enough to be a sword, but then again it might be a machete. He walks back over to her and touches her cheek with the thing.

"Watch the face," she says, he just chuckles and cuts from her wrist all the way to her shoulder.

"Will you join us," he asks again.


He slaps her in the face, right where he had cut her.

She flexes her jaw, "never thought I would be hit by a man again. You do know that my dad used to beat me right. Luckily, he didn't leave any bruises, but I think that will."

Tyler just nods his head and goes back over to the case. This time he pulls out garden shears. Seeing that, Kat wonders how that huge thing could even fit in there.

"Last chance, will you join us. Being a wolf has many perks."

"I don't think so," she's done being brave. He's broken her.

He takes the shears and sticks it right next to her head on the back piece of the chair. Surprisingly, it goes through the tough metal.

"See how strong I am, you could be just like me, without fear."

"I don't want to become one of you," she looks him in the eye.

After a minute of silence, he finally speaks, "inject her," he leaves.

Conner goes over to a different table that holds needles and and beakers that remindes Kat of science class.

"Now what are you doing," she asks quietly.

"We're going to knock you out," he hold up the needle, testing it, "you'll feel woozy afterward. Did you ever take weed or crack?"

"No," she says. Conner comes over to her.

"Well, when I say woozy, I mean high."

He then sticks her in the neck. She winces in pain. Everything is enhanced. Her wounds feel like they're on fire and all she wants to do is scream.

This time, she does. Loud and haunting. Louder than Carmen Electra. They all leave her to scream alone. She tries to stop,  but tears come streaming down her face, she then paces out.

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