Untold Tales of Aincrad - 0

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(A/N): Hey guys, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy it.

3rd Person POV



[Beta Testers]

- August 8, 2022 - 4th floor - Rovia -

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm golden light over the rolling hills of the pasture. A gentle breeze rustled the tall grass as two figures made their way down the worn path that cut through the sea of green. The adventurers walked side by side, their heavy footsteps muffled by the soft earth beneath their boots. The boy and girl were clad in full-body armor, each piece meticulously crafted for battle. Despite the weight of their armor, they moved with a grace and fluidity that belied their bulk.

As they walked, the adventurers were surrounded by the sounds of nature. Birds sang in the trees and the distant bleating of sheep carried on the wind. The air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers.

Up ahead on the path was a lone player, waiting for them. Keeping their guard up, they walked up cautiously toward the green player Stopping a couple of feet away from him, they stood in silence.

Vortex: Hand over your weapons and loot. No one has to get hurt.

The two players turned slightly towards each other and back toward the player. The taller of the two unsheathed his sword.

 The taller of the two unsheathed his sword

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Ares: ...No.

The player smiled as he put his hand to his mouth and whistled. Players revealed themselves, emerging out of bushes, behind trees, and the tall grass—10 red players in total, surrounding them from all sides.

Vortex: How about we try this again? Give up your inventory, and we'll let you go.

Ares: ...No.

Vortex: Huh...Maybe you can't count with that helmet on your head, but there are 10 of us and only 2 of you.

Athena: So get 10 more and then maybe it'll be an even fight.

The armored swordswoman unsheath her blade, causing the bandits to do the same.

Vortex: You asked for it. Take them down!

With a shout, the bandits surged forward, their weapons gleaming in the fading light. Ares and Athena stood their ground, their swords at the ready. The first bandit lunged at Ares, his sword slashing through the air with deadly intent. Ares met the blow head-on, deflecting the attack with a swift parry before countering with a powerful strike of his own. The bandit stumbled back, allowing Ares to use a sword skill ⪡Vorpal Strike.

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